Subhhrajeet Harichandan

Subhrajeet Harichandan is born in Odisha and is a great lover of reading books and novels. A voracious reader, his interests include writing, singing and playing outdoor games.
Subhrajeet Harichandan is born in Odisha and is a great lover of reading books and novels. A voracious reader, his interests include writing, singing and playing outdoor games.

Subhrajeet Harichandan was born on 6 September 2005 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, and was brought up in a Hindu family. He completed his schooling at the MBS Public School, Bhubaneswar and went on to do graduation in commerce at Buxi Jagabandhu Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar. Subhrajeet Harichandan's First novel LOVE WILL FIND YOU was released by Notion press in 2022 while he was in secondary school. Later on he went on to become author of other books like I had you, Can you comfort my aches, etc. He adapted his own story into his first novel Love will find you. Writing books always helped hRead More...


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Can you comfort my aches

Books by Subhrajeet Harichandan

A vulnerable collection of poems, written throughout the process of overcoming heartbreak. From the first poem to the last, you experience the shift in emotions, change in expression and overall witness the growth in the healing process. 
Can you comfort my aches, is a great read for anyone who might be going through or has gone through a heart wrenching break up in the past. This book is a call to heal, re-gain your worth and see the value you have i

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Books by Subhrajeet Harichandan healing. Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Love is seeing someone at their most vulnerable, often lowest point and reaching out your hand to help them back up. Because love is selfless. It's realizing there's someone out there that You don't think twice about caring for. Caring for them is as involuntary as breathing. It is an emotion for some, word of GOD for others.

But for

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Something aren't meant for us...

By Subhhrajeet Harichandan in Fantasy | Reads: 5,384 | Likes: 6

Opening those pages of my life when “Jerk” was with me. I used to call him jerk. Lol. He was a resident in my college and so I knew him since 3 years as a person before I actually got to know him personally. Everyone including professors, seniors, juniors, staff loved him because he is a  Read More...

Published on Jun 12,2022 09:18 AM

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