Pritma Jashnani

administrator at Centre of Computer Technology
administrator at Centre of Computer Technology

Pritma Jashnani is the head of the Centre of Computer Technology, Lucknow, who has taught several students so far in her career of 25 years.  She has taught over 3000+ students who are now successfully placed in top companies. She has a unique style of teaching. She believes in quality education rather than increasing quantity of students. She has been teaching courses like  Java, Website Designing, Data Structures, Python, Android and a lot more to B.Tech, MCA and BCA students. 13 years back, she started writing books for her students so that they do not find any difficulty in the topics thRead More...


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The Healing of 7 Chakras For A Balanced Life

Books by Pritma Jashnani

The energy centers or chakras in our bodies greatly impact our lives. There are 114 chakras out of which 7 are the most prominent ones. These chakras have different colors and are located in different regions of our bodies. If the chakras are balanced, we can live a happy and focused life. The moment any chakra is misbalanced, it can greatly impact our physical, mental, and psychological health. This book shows various ways of balancing each chakra with the he

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Data Structures through Java

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach  BTech , they have to study  Data Structures either through C,Java or Python .  Since the concepts in Java include topics like , Linked Lists, Graphs, trees etc. These topics are mind wobbling, if the basics   are not clear to the students.

I have tried to include a separate chapter on Arrays and Stacks and Queues. This will help the students get a deep knowledge of how to use  Arrays, Stacks and Queues with

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Easy Concepts of ASP.NET

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach  BTech , they have to study ASP.NET, during the major project development either in third year or foruth year of BTech. .  Since the conceptsi ASP.NET are new to them, as it requires knowledge of  HTML and C#.  This book is made keepimg in mind to give knowledge of using HTML and C# before a student can try programming in ASP.NET.

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A HandBook On Programming in C#

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach BTech, they have to study C# Language as one of the professional language.  Since the concepts in C# are new to them, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of C# concepts.  

Most of the concepts of C# seem similar to Java and C++ . Those who are having knowledge of Java and C++, can easily understand it. The book is made in a such a way that een a layman or a new person can easily understand the &nb

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A HandBook on English Class XI CBSE

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach 11th and 12th class in CBSE board, they have to study English along with exercises in  Language.  Since English Grammar of most of the students is not clear,   they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of English Grammar.  

The use of tenses, active passive,  filling the gaps are some of the exercises, which these students get in English paper. All exercises on tenses, active passive, gap

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Data Structures through C

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach  BTech , they have to study  Data Structures either through C or Python .  Since the concepts in C include topics like Pointers, Linked Lists, Graphs, trees etc. These topics are mind wobbling, if the basics of Pointers are not clear to the students.

I have tried to include a separate chapter on Arrays and  Pointers. This will help the students get a deep knowledge of how to use pointers with Arrays, structures,

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Concepts of Java For class 11

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach 11th and 12th  class in ISC board, they have to study Java Language.  For some students the concepts in Java  are new, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of Java concepts.  

This book has all the concepts right from the beginning to make it clear to the students. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

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Easy Concepts on Advanced Java

Books by Pritma Jashnani

Core Java  Programming is taught in various colleges at Btech, BCA and MCA Level.  Students need to understand the concept of  OOPS, Packages and DataBase Connectivity.  After knowing it, students can understand Advanced Java Concepts, which will help them make good quality stand alone applications and websites. This book gives you an insight to various concepts of JSP and servlets

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Easy Concepts on Core Java

Books by Pritma Jashnani

Core Java  Programming is taught in various colleges at BTech, BCA and MCA levels.  It is important for students to understand the concept of  OOPS, Packages, and DataBase Connectivity. I have made this book keeping in mind that most of the students do not have any knowledge of Programming Language. 

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A Hand Book on Linux

Books by Pritma Jashnani

The college students at Btech and MCA levels have to study Linux Operating Systems as part of the Syllabus. This book will help them gain insights into Linux and its shell scripting methods. This book I helpful to people who ar working in companies having Linux operating system.

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Programming In C++ Made Easy

Books by Pritma Jashnani

C++ Programming Language is taught in various colleges at BTech, BCA and MCA Level.  It is important for students to understand the concept of pointers, OOP Concepts and File Handling. This book has been made keeping in mind that most of the students do not have any knowledge of Programming Language. 

The Concept of header files used in C++, what statements and functions are provided by them has been given in a very easy language. The Concept

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A Handbook on Grammar For class 12 ISC

Books by Pritma Jashnani

English Grammar is a subject that makes foundation of students strong if explained very well. It is necessary for students  to know the rules of using Articles, Prepositions, Subject verb agreement, Degree of comparison, Active passive voice, Direct and Indirect speeches and Tenses. 

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Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach 11th and 12th class in CBSE board, they have to study Python Language.  Since the concepts in Python are new to them, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of Python concepts.  

The Commands to be used in Python with syntaxes have been explained. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

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A HandBook on English Grammar For ICSE X

Books by Pritma Jashnani

English Grammar is a subject that strengthens students' foundation if explained very well. It is necessary for students to know the rules of using Articles, Prepositions, Subject-verb agreement, Degree of comparison, Active passive voice, Direct, and Indirect speeches, and Tenses. 

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A Hand Book On Web Development

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach B Tech or BCA, MCA , they have to study various languages to be selected in various companies. Among these is web designing having HTML, JAVASCRIPT and PHP. 

Every chapter of JavaScript and PHP has various examples on how to design a Web Page that is interactive and can solve our purpose to satisfy the needs of people who want us to design Websites for them.

I have also given a Chapter on SQL commands to better understa

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Java Concepts For class 12

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach 11th and 12th  class in ISC board, they have to study Java Language.  For some students the concepts in Java  are new, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of Java concepts.  

This book has all the concepts right from the beginning to make it clear to the students. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

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Python Concepts For Class 12

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach 11th and 12th class in CBSE board, they have to study Python Language.  Since the concepts in Python are new to them, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of Python concepts.  

The Commands to be used in Python with syntaxes have been explained. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

Every chapter is followed by e

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Python Concepts For Class 11

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When students reach 11th and 12th class in CBSE board, they have to study Python Language.  Since the concepts in Python are new to them, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of Python concepts.  

The Commands to be used in Python with syntaxes have been explained. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

Every chapter is followed by e

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Concepts of Java For Class X ICSE

Books by Pritma Jashnani

Since the concepts in Java are new to the students, they need some  guidance to get a better understanding of Java concepts.  

The Commands to be used in Java with syntaxes have been explained. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

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Java Programming made Easy for Class IX ICSE

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When Programming starts at Schools, Children are first taught LOGO, Scratch and BASIC . Then from IXth class onwards in ICSE, they start learning JAVA.  

     Since the concepts in Java are new to them, they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of Java concepts.  

The Commands to be used in Java with syntaxes have been explained. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, w

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Concepts of C Programming Made Easy

Books by Pritma Jashnani

At College while studying in BCA,MCA or BTECH, when students have to study C as the first language of programming, they find it difficult to cope with programming. I have made attempt to make this programming easy for them with simple concepts and programming.

At the end I have given some exercises based on the chapters so that students can do them according to what they have learnt .

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The Healing of 7 Chakras For A Balanced Life

Books by Pritma Jashnani

The energy centers or chakras in our bodies greatly impact our lives. There are 114 chakras out of which 7 are the most prominent ones. These chakras have different colors and are located in different regions of our bodies. If the chakras are balanced, we can live a happy and focused life. The moment any chakra is misbalanced, it can greatly impact our physical, mental, and psychological health. This book shows various ways of balancing each chakra with the he

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A Key To The Fundamentals of GW-BASIC Programming

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When Programming starts at Schools, Children are first taught LOGO, Scratch and BASIC.Since BASIC is the first step to learn decision-making statements and looping.This book has given step by step guide to the students.

This is an answer book to all the exercises given in THE FUNDAMENTALS OF GW- BASIC PROGRAMMING BOOK  

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The Fundamentals of GW-BASIC Programming

Books by Pritma Jashnani

When Programming starts at Schools, Children are first taught LOGO, Scratch, and BASIC. Since BASIC is the first step to learn decision-making statements and looping. This book has given step by step guide to the students.

The Commands to be used in GW-BASIC have been explained. All chapters are backed by syntax and examples of various Programs, with questions and solutions to every program.

Exercises follow every Chapter based on those Chapter

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Books by Pritma Jashnani

Sometimes we take life for granted and do not realize the immense countless blessings showered on us by nature. We do not pay gratitude for every moment of our life. When we are in a relationship, lack of communication often causes such relationships to break. When we face failures, we give up and lose confidence in ourselves. We expect others to help us when we need them or to behave as we want them to.
We sometimes forget to take care of ourselves while

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From struggles to success

By Pritma Jashnani in Adventure | Reads: 1,451 | Likes: 2

Life is not always the same for everyone. Some people are born with a silver spoon and their life always remains the same, a smooth and pleasing path for them. It seems as if Lord Jupiter showers his blessings continuously on them. The moment they wish for anything,  it is granted.  While   Read More...

Published on Oct 20,2022 02:30 PM

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