Hiten yadav


When I fell in love with a Werewolf

By Hiten yadav in Romance | Reads: 2,408 | Likes: 2

My Name is Siddharth. I am a 24 year old boy, who is doing Mechanical engineering in one of the top collages in India. There is a huge jungle near my Home, and we hear the sounds of wolfs from there. I belong to a middle class family and my family have many expectations on me, and I don't want to br  Read More...

Published on Jun 21,2022 02:36 PM

A Story from the Future

By Hiten yadav in Science Fiction | Reads: 2,434 | Likes: 4

Everything was destroyed, there is no hope of humanity, It is year 3278. The Global warming have increased, there is no such clean air on the planet, and not a single tree visible. All the rich persons have left the earth and gone to another planet in the andromeda galaxy with there high tech spaces  Read More...

Published on Jun 21,2022 09:05 AM

A Loud Silence

By Hiten yadav in Horror | Reads: 2,825 | Likes: 1

I am an indian, who went to London for some buisness purpose. I am a buisness man who sell different types of toys online. I am well educated and my financial issues are also well. I don't believe in ghosts until.... I was travelling in London in train, at night and to be exact at 2:00 am. I was lat  Read More...

Published on Jun 20,2022 03:49 PM

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