anik Chowdhury



Beyond The Known

Books by Anik Chowdhury

Siddharth, a young man on a quest to find the vaccine to a deadly virus.He soon discovers that the ocean is inhabited by strange and dangerous creatures, including a giant serpent and a ghostly girl.This story is a thrilling adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is also a story about friendship, courage, and the power of the human spirit.

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Clean water in floods (WIF)

Books by Anik Chowdhury

Climate change is said to have in part caused (but may also be a natural evolution of earth's cycle) large-scale floods across central India, including the Mumbai floods of 2006 and 2017. During 1901-2015, there has been a three-fold rise in widespread extreme rainfall events, across central and northern India – Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Odisha, Jharkhand, Assam and parts of Western Ghats – Goa, north Karnataka

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My stupid Life: the fault

Books by Anik Chowdhury

When Nik Adam gets stuck in a false police case, he is in big trouble. But, the weird thing is that he is innocent. But, slowly, the case starts to get more weird as the force is finding him. But, what will happen if authorities find him.......

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The Diary Of a Annoyed Sister

Books by Aaratrika Chowdhury

A fun adventure for young readers. It will give thrills, make you laugh, and also is very engaging even for kids who have never read a book. It will be a very fun experience for the young minds

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मेरा बेवकूफ जीवन

Books by अनिक चौधरी

खैर, क्रिसमस का समय हो गया है लेकिन मेरा परिवार स्वर्ग में छुट्टी मनाने के लिए निकला है। मज़ा तो आना चाहिए था लेकिन जब परिवार हिलने लगा तो मुसीबत उनके सिर पर उछलने लगी क्या वे वहाँ

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My Stupid Life

Books by Anik Chowdhury

WELL, It’s time for Christmas but my family is out for a holiday in paradise. It should have been fun but when the family started moving, trouble started to bounce on their head  Can they make out of there alive or NOT….. 

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My Stupid Life(teaser)

By anik Chowdhury in Humour | Reads: 8,585 | Likes: 8

I've read that in ancient times, kings and pharaohs were buried with all of their belongings. I think they thought you could get away with it back then. Your possessions will accompany you into the afterlife. Well, if I get buried with all of MY JUNK. Later on, I will REGRET it. Mom wants me to per  Read More...

Published on Oct 18,2022 10:03 AM

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