Sonia Keswani

Public Speaker, Writer, Photographer, Poet, Traveler, Distinguished Toastmaster, Old soul
Public Speaker, Writer, Photographer, Poet, Traveler, Distinguished Toastmaster, Old soul


Lockdown Diaries

Books by Sonia Keswani

Lockdown Diaries is an insightful piece of write ups done during the 68 days of Lockdown in India.     

This book brings out the happy, motivating and positive side of life and all that we need to be grateful for even in testing times.    

It will always be looked into as a source of inspiration when any tough times come ahead in life.     

It shall motivate, cheer and make one feel much more grat

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Lockdown Diaries - Week 1

By Sonia Keswani in General Literary | Reads: 403 | Likes: 0

COVID just began in our country:  Well,in the wake of COVID'19,does anyone even care which caste, creed or color do we belong to? Prayers, treatments and help involving everyone just as humans. Isn't it nature's own way to make us realize the importance of love,respect & brotherhood to safe  Read More...

Published on Mar 30,2020 09:53 AM

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