
Author & book-lover.
Author & book-lover.

Sesha is a rare kind of author who ventured to publish his work at an age most writers might call a day. The task took him about five years to complete, post his retirement from a nationalized bank, though the idea for the story germinated and fermented in his brain a few years earlier. Epics, particularly Mahabharata, have always intrigued him since childhood, and they made him read those stories repeatedly. His desire to retell the story of Shri Krishna, the central character in the two great epics, in his own way led to his first book. His own way meant introducing fictional characters who Read More...


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Naimisha - God's Own Story - The Middle Game

Books by Sesha


Animish, the disciple teetering between scepticism and awe around Krishna’s divinity, inherits his Master’s mantle as the latter proceeds to Badari to pursue his self-realisation goals. Asareer's belief solidifies, and divine anecdotes about Krishna continue to enthral him. While the chasm between the viewpoints of both friends keeps widening, Krishna attains a God-like stature and comes to be feared by his opponents and

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Books by Sesha

Animish belongs to the ashram of a mysterious Master in the forest of Naimisha whose antecedents, ideologies, and even name are shrouded in secrecy. When he visits the city of Mathura, along with his friend Asareer, he hears a voice from the skies warning the antagonist, Kamsa, that his nemesis would be born to his dear sister Devaki who was just married to the Yadava prince, Vasudeva. The mysterious voice claims itself as 'Akashvani', the celestial voice that

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