Niyati Chaurasia


A Tale of Blood Twins

Books by Niyati Chaurasia

Step into a crazy world where normal turns into wild. Adelle's life flips when she becomes a vampire - you know, the blood-sucking kind. Forget food; it's all about sipping on blood.

Now, here's the twist: Nathan, the vampire who saved Adelle, catches feelings for her. Sounds like a lovey-dovey story? But wait, this isn't your typical mushy tale. It's a supernatural rollercoaster. Get ready with your cool weapons or superpowers because things are

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Healing with Love

Books by Niyati Chaurasia

Zeenat Aman was going with the flow of her serene life. Spending time with family, having a supporting and ever-loving partner and two gorgeous felines to hang out with. But, of course, the universe never likes to see any of us happy and sane. But then she finds out she has breast cancer. And voilá, suddenly, everything is topsy turvy. 

See, there's one more thing I forgot to mention above. Our Zee has a pretty good voice and she wants

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