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Personal Disaster

Books by Jennifer Richardson

A Simple System & Guide for ANY Crisis!!!

Health Challenges - Relationship Breakdowns - Financial Crisis - Midlife Crisis - International or Logistical - Legal

Personal Disaster - The Unstickler's Guide to Handling a Life Crisis is the first book in a series aimed at assisting those people who are stuck in a life dilemma and are struggling to find help.

VOLUME 1 – Life Crisis:

- Includes the Challenges

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Books by The Bartending Poet

This book is a compilation of the real emotions of a common man, supported by others, who deliver truth and justice in poetic form, to inspire the next generation and mock the tales of people's lies and definitions of "success."

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The Blank Cheque

Books by Fern Frances


"How can THIS be my life? I am standing totally alone in the early morning hours on an empty street. I’m in a gargantuan Indian city during a global pandemic! What happened to me?

Gemma was young. So was Prateek. A cross-cultural relationship - cursed from the start.

The early signs were there for Gemma to see, but the blindfold was tied, and the damage had begun.

“They asked for dowry

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Life on the Rocks

Books by The Bartending Poet

Who is the one person you can share your deepest feelings?

Who is the one person who listens to you without judgement?

Who is the one person who is there for you for sometime, completely?

A taxi driver, a security guard, a shopkeeper....a stranger can be more than just a person, more like a sink for your emotions.

Unapologetic, unassuming and untethered, as you don't stay with them for long.

Same is for a bartende

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