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i am full time writer. book graphic designer,

my name is golu kumar. I am passed blis in kk university 2021 my website is a https://paramedicalportal.com/Read More...


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कटोरे की राजकुमारी

Books by गोलू कुमार

लोककथा का यह आकर्षक रूप से तैयार किया गया वर्णन एक छोटी राजकुमारी के बारे में है, जिसके सिर पर एक भद्दा कटोरा है। जब राजकुमारी चौदह वर्ष की थी, तो उसकी मरने वाली माँ ने कटोरा उसके स

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Books by Golu Kumar

Gandasa Punjab is a very famous story written in Urdu. On top of this, many films have also been made in Pakistan, Pakistan's highest-grossing movies are also based on this story.

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कर्नाटक की लोक कथाएं

Books by मगध पुस्तक

कर्नाटक लोककथाएं.

लोकगीत लोगों के एक विशेष समूह द्वारा साझा की जाने वाली संस्कृति का निकाय है; यह उस संस्कृति, उपसंस्कृति या समूह के लिए सामान्य परंपराओं को शामिल करता है। इ

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आंध्र प्रदेश की लोक कथाएँ

Books by मगध पुस्तक

आंध्र प्रदेश लोककथाएं.

लोकगीत लोगों के एक विशेष समूह द्वारा साझा की जाने वाली संस्कृति का निकाय है; यह उस संस्कृति, उपसंस्कृति या समूह के लिए सामान्य परंपराओं को शामिल करता

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ओडिशा की लोक कथाएँ

Books by मगध पुस्तक

ओडिशा  लोककथाएं.

लोकगीत लोगों के एक विशेष समूह द्वारा साझा की जाने वाली संस्कृति का निकाय है; यह उस संस्कृति, उपसंस्कृति या समूह के लिए सामान्य परंपराओं को शामिल करता है। इ

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कश्मीरी लोककथाएँ

Books by गोलू कुमार

कश्मीरी लोककथाएं.

लोकगीत लोगों के एक विशेष समूह द्वारा साझा की जाने वाली संस्कृति का निकाय है; यह उस संस्कृति, उपसंस्कृति या समूह के लिए सामान्य परंपराओं को शामिल करता है। इस

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नवरात्री व्रत कथा पुस्तक

Books by मगध पुस्तक

नवरात्रि का नौ-रात का हिंदू त्योहार हर साल शरद ऋतु में मनाया जाता है। भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में, इसे विभिन्न कारणों से मनाया जाता है और विभिन्न तरीकों से मनाया

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The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor

Books by Golu Kumar

This well-known story about Sindbad's seven voyages is from the "Thousand and One Nights," a collection of stories that had their roots in India and Persia in the eighth century AD. There are more than 20 exquisite images by painters who are well known for their works that depict the "Arabian Nights." Virginia Frances Sterrett, Maxfield Parrish, Edmund Dulac, and many others are among them. •Includes a history of the "Thousand and One Nights" origins (The

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HENRY EVERY : Story of a pirate who robbed Mughal treasure

Books by Golu Kumar

Henry Every, also known as Henry Avery, sometimes erroneously given as Jack Avery or John Avery, was an English pirate who operated in the Atlantic and Indian oceans in the mid-1690s.

Where is Henry Avery's treasure buried?
The largest single pirate haul in history, over £600,000 (approx. £80m today) worth of gold and precious jewels were taken from the ship. Deciding to retire to his native Devon, Avery supposedly

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Battle of Plassey: A Turning Point in Indian History

Books by Golu Kumar

Britain was quickly overtaking France as the most powerful country in Europe, a position France had long thought to be hers. However, because France still controlled the strongest continental force, Britain believed its best chances for growth were in the East. Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah, the ruler of Bengal, attempted to expel the British from the subcontinent as Britain's power grew through its official commercial arm, the East India Company, and he turned to Fra

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Children's Handwriting Practice Book: Small Letters Cursive Writing Book A, Ages 3 to 5,

Books by Golu Kumar

A talent for having clear and readable handwriting is cursive writing. It aids in early learners' motor skill and pencil control brain training. Each cursive little letter of the alphabet is demonstrated in detail in the book "Cursive Writing Book - Small Letters." Children may learn all 26 lowercase letters by tracing the dotted lines, and then practise writing them independently.

26 pages to grasp lowercase letters, letters of the alphabet (a-z), col

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The Upanishad : A Key to Indian Spirituality

Books by Golu Kumar

The "Upanishads" are ancient Sanskrit texts that are a component of the "Vedas," a group of antiquated manuscripts that serve as the foundation for the Hindu religion. They are thought to contain the most significant spiritual tenets of Hinduism. The translation of well-known Indologist and Sanskritologist Chandogya, Kena, Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Isa, Katha, Mundaka, Taittiriyaka, Brhadaranyaka, Svetasvatara, Prasna, and Maitriyana presents the key Upanishads of

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Books by Golu Kumar

This book uses a variety of viewpoints to show how, between 1600 and 1857, the East India Company promoted cross-cultural connections between the English and diverse South Asian tribes, and how these interactions changed significant aspects of both British and South Asian history. The volume demonstrates how the Company's history and its greater historical significance can be best understood by appreciating the myriad ways in which these interactions shaped th

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The Atlantis: Myths, Legends, and History

Books by Golu Kumar

In his Timaeus and Critias, Plato first refers to the mythological metropolis of Atlantis. Despite being primarily thought to be a myth, Atlantis has appeared in literature and has survived the years. Over time, the tale developed into a legend that finally drew people to explore this historic city to determine whether Plato's allusions were true or just allegory. The different reasons against and in favor of Atlantis' existence, as well as the various hypothe

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Books by Golu Kumar

In this book, Fairy Tales of Babylon, Demons, and Ghosts have been told about which Babylon an ancient civilization has lived in our history.

Babylon was the capital city of the ancient Babylonian Empire, which itself is a term referring to either of two separate empires in the Mesopotamian area in antiquity. These two empires achieved regional dominance between the 19th and 15th centuries BC, and again between the 7th and 6th centuries BC.

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The Snow Queen: A Fairy Tale Story Board books for children

Books by Golu Kumar

Our ancestors practised the traditional art of storytelling, which includes the snow queen. It is something that can be appreciated from early adolescence through childhood. The collection of old, time-tested tales in Stories will aid readers in learning and growing in fundamental virtues like sincerity, honesty, courage, and truthfulness.Our ancestors practised the traditional art of storytelling, which includes the snow queen. It is something that can be app

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Books by Golu Kumar

The Father of a small girl is reported missing Unusual old man insists on telling stories. Unforgotten stories are revealed by an old throne. To get over the shock of having her father abducted from the small village where he was employed, Upa and her mother move to her great-home grandmother in a nearby town. There, a strange-looking man befriends the despondent and anxious mother and daughter and insists on telling them tales about King Vikramaditya and his

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Ishtar and Tammuz: A Babylonian Seasonal Myth

Books by Golu Kumar

The Green One, Tammuz, is sent to reside on the ground below by his mother, Ishtar, the Babylonian deity of all creation. She, however, becomes so envious of how much love he receives that she has him murdered. For the return of the green spirit, the people pray to their goddess. Ishtar concurs, but not before facing up against the dreadful half-lioness, half-woman who controls the underworld. The magnificent  that accompany this lovely rendition of the o

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The Land: The Promise, Gift, and Challenge of the Land in Biblical Faith

Books by Golu Kumar

One of the most vivid symbols for the ancient Israelites was the land. The physical source of Israel's fertility and life, as well as a location for the gathering of the covenant people's hopes, were found in the land—a gift, a promise, and a task. Walter Brueggemann explores the evolution of his theme through the main building elements of Israel's traditions in this meticulous approach. The book offers a point of entry to both the Old Testament's theolo

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Jallianwala Bagh: A Revolutionary History of the 1919 Massacre

Books by Golu Kumar


The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April 1919. A large peaceful crowd had gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar, Punjab to protest against the arrest of pro-Indian independence leaders Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew and Dr. Satya Pal. 

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The Wolf of God.

Books by Golu Kumar

defined his unique niche in the horror genre, exploring strange and occult themes in subtle, leisurely paced, elegantly written tales. The stories collected in The WolF of God run the gamut in terms of subject matter and style, making this volume a good introduction to Blackwood's prodigious body of work.

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Cyrus the Great: A Life in One Volume

Books by Golu Kumar

One of the greatest leaders the world had ever known, Cyrus II of Persia was the one who subsequent empire builders would emulate. All of them made an effort to fill Cyrus' enormous shoes, from Alexander the Great to numerous Roman emperors and Ottoman sultans.

Recognized for being a great liberator as well as a successful conqueror, Cyrus the Great is known for more than just his victories. He was even given credit in the Bible for releasing the

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Books by Golu Kumar

Fiddlefox's World Heritage Storybook

When Momotaro emerges from a peach, an elderly couple's world is flipped upside down. Will Momotaro, however, be able to rally his friends, confront bullies, and preserve Japan once the dreadful Oni arrive in town? Retelling this popular Japanese folktale for young children, teachers, and families

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Noah's Ark : is the vessel mentioned in the Genesis flood story

Books by Golu Kumar

A Great Flood that flooded the earth is mentioned in practically every ancient nation's documented history. The tale of how God decided to wipe out the world He had created with an all-encompassing downpour of rain is told in the Hebrew nation's Biblical history. He gave Noah, a man of God, the order to construct a massive ark that would protect Noah, his family, and some of the remaining animal species from death and annihilation. The epic tale of Noah and th

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Crosswords for Smart Children (Buster Brain Games)

Books by Golu Kumar

This book, which is written by the best-selling author of crosswords for Smart Children (Buster Brain Games), is filled with crossword puzzles to solve and will keep smart kids occupied for hours. This tiny crossword puzzle book is addictive, entertaining, and easily portable for traveling. It will put intelligent youngsters' word skills to the test and keep them occupied for hours. The crosswords are arranged into sections ranging from beginner to expert puzz

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Thomas Alva Edison: Who Was He?

Books by Golu Kumar

Thomas Edison flipped a switch one day in 1882, flooding lower Manhattan with incandescent light and forever altering the way people live. The phonograph and the kinetoscope, a forerunner of the movie camera, are only two of the thousands of inventions that Thomas Edison is credited with. When he was a young boy, he saw a robin catch a worm and fly, so he fed his friend some worms and water to see if she could do the same. Here is a simple,

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George buchanan : George Buchanan was a Scottish historian and humanist scholar.

Books by Golu Kumar


Scottish historian and humanist scholar George Buchanan (Scottish Gaelic: Seras Buchanan; February 1506–28 September 1582) lived in Edinburgh. Buchanan was "the deepest intellectual Scotland produced in the sixteenth century," according to historian Keith Brown. During the Scottish Reformation, his philosophy of opposing regal usurpation was widely adopted. The ease with which King James VII was overthrown in 1689, according to Brown, d

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the Greek Chronology of the First Ages

Books by Golu Kumar

In this book, the history of the beginning of Greek civilization has been told.
Completely written about Greek kings, warriors, temples, etc. Many Greek mythology characters have been told such as Perseus, Hercules, Medusa, and their gods.
There are also details of their thinking, living, clothes, etc.
If you want to know about Greek civilization, then this book gives you a chance to know a lot.

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The Life, the Legend, and the Islamic Empire of Saladin

Books by Golu Kumar

One of the most well-known historical figures is still Saladin. He is regarded as the greatest hero in the Islamic world for uniting the Arabs and defending Islam against Christian crusaders in the 12th century. He was ruthless in defending his beliefs and a superb commander, qualities that garnered the adoration of his Christian adversaries. He understood when to use violence and demonstrated such kindness and compassion that many Europeans who were horrified

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The Top 20 Hubble Telescope Images That Will Blow Your Mind

Books by Golu Kumar

The Top 20 Hubble Telescope Images That Will Blow Your Mind 


This book contains 20 unique photos of stars, planets, galaxies, medulla, etc. by Hubble Telescope. Which can surprise you and information about them has also been given.
Hubble Telescope is the largest and most expensive telescope ever built by NASA at a cost more than the GDP of many countries.
Which works to give you more information about space.

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Books by Golu Kumar

Indian Witchcraft is an up-to-date, dynamic, and scholarly study, dealing with the problem from the angles of Hinduism, Based on original sources, the chief features of Indian witchcraft, its important deities, rituals, witches and wizards are discussed authoritatively, with full documentation and readable style bound to appeal universally.

Many stories related to these and information about them are given in this book.

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The World's Seven Ancient Wonders

Books by Golu Kumar

provides a historical overview of each of the seven wonders, combining information from ancient sources with findings from recent digs to explain why certain locations and things have come to be regarded as the pinnacle of human achievement.

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"Sati Savitri: A True Story of Self-Sacrifice and Courage"

Books by Golu Kumar

"Sati Savitri: A True Story of Self-Sacrifice and Courage"

the teachings of the world's major religions as well as the true events of the lives of religious leaders and prophets. We hope that everyone, from beginners to young readers, will enjoy reading these books. The main purpose is to establish the ancient heritage and life values ​​of the world in the children. These stories that weave the practices and experiences of life are easily understoo

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ALADDIN Magical Lamp Returns Home!

Books by Golu Kumar

EXPERIENCE ALADDIN Magical Lamp Returns Home! the rags-to-riches journey using his wit and the precious magic lamp with ‘Uncle Moon’s Fairy Tales – Aladdin and the Magic Lamp’. This richly illustrated story, retold in easy language will be well-loved by children. 

This storybook is sure to become a favorite of all readers. Filled with humor and adventure will enchant young readers 

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Books by Golu Kumar


Birth of Raja Rasâlu
How Raja Rasâlu Entered the World, Why His Friends Left Him, and How He Slayed the Giants
Raja Rasâlu's Jôgi Origins
How Raja Rasâlu Traveled to King Sarkap's City
The Seventy Fair Maidens, Daughters of the King, and How Raja Rasâlu Swung Them
How King Sarkap and Raja Rasâlu Played Chaupur

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world continents and countries

Books by Golu Kumar

Regarding this item
A fun world map for kids featuring names of continents, nations, and oceans. FUN GEOGRAPHY MAP
FOR KIDS' WORLD MAP: This is done in lively, enjoyable colours. Additionally, some significant animals and sites are noted on it to reduce clutter and promote historical and geographic discussion
NAMES & CAPITALS OF COUNTRIES: A pamphlet that may be used to learn country names and capitals will be included with the map.

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The Incredible History of the Vedic Period!

Books by Golu Kumar

The Ancient History of India (Vedic Period): A New Interpretation is a one-of-a-kind research that tries to piece together a pre-Buddhistic India's history using the Vedas and related sources. Allusions to a wide range of places, people, and events can be found throughout the Vedic writings. In a systematic manner, this book provides them a historical shape and significance. The result is an enthralling tale of India's distant history. It was made possible, ho

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THE INVISIBLE KINGDOM'S : A Fairy Tale from Europe

Books by Golu Kumar

After a storm, a young guy is found comatose on the beach in this short story. He has lost his ability to remember things. He is taken in by a family, and everything goes well until the raiders arrive. He is eventually persuaded to try to save the family's son and bring the hamlet back to health. There are stumbling blocks along the way, and as he regains his memory, he is split between continuing and returning.

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Books by Golu Kumar

"JACKAL OR TIGER" is an Indian folktale.
A king and queen slept well in the palace in the heart of the city in faraway Hindustan. They hoped they were going to sleep when a faint breeze swept through the lattice, but they never did. The sound of a howl outside the palace jolted them awake more than ever before.
The king said, 'Listen to that tiger!'
The queen replied, 'Tiger?' 'How should a tiger exist within the city?' It was just a jackal,' says

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Chinese Sociology is a study of the Chinese people's way of life.

Books by Golu Kumar

From a new academic viewpoint, this book reexamines Chinese sociology's point of departure and the bounds of western sociology, and presents a new definition of sociology's essence and mission, drawing on and critically reflecting on classic sociologists' ideological and theoretical views. It examines the origins of Confucian classics and western sources of Chinese sociology on this foundation, as well as the origins and evolution of Chinese sociology at the c

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THE KING OF THE MONKEYS ; The Story of How a Monkey Became a God

Books by Golu Kumar

THE KING OF THE MONKEYS; The Story of How a Monkey Became a God.

This is a Chinese mythological story on which many films and shows have been made.
The end of this book is the journey of how a monkey became a god, how he lives his life and also we present the journey of his life, all the events of his journey present in this book.

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वेटर: 4 नंबर वाले फरीदाबाद से ( हमेशा जगता हुआ शहर ), HINDI

Books by गोलू कुमार

आज हम जिनके ऊपर लिख रहे उन्हें अक्सर आपने अपने किसी प्रोग्राम में देखा होगा चाहे वो घर के पास लगे हुए टेंट हो ,ये कोई बड़ा बैंक्वेट हाल हो या फिर कोई बड़ा फाइव स्टार होटल हो या फिर गाव

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FIVE Incredibly Strange Beast Folklore Stories!

Books by Golu Kumar

Read the HILARIOUS books that inspired the FIVE Incredibly Strange Beast Folklore Stories!
1. The Beasts' Book.
2. Uncle James, often known as The Purple Stranger, is a fictional character.
3. They Are Their Country's Deliverers.
4. Do as You're Told, or The Ice Dragon.
5. The Island of the Nine Whirlpools is a volcanic island with nine whirlpools.

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Books by Golu Kumar

Enter an amazing forgotten realm and be amazed by the odd and wonderful species that once roamed our planet.

With huge extinction events, including our role in jeopardising our wildlife, the book teaches young readers that extinction is not just a thing of the past; it is happening now all around the world, and that our precious species may be rescued if we all make little changes to our lifestyles.

This wonderful big format compendium i

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Books by Golu Kumar

Educating Your Children About COVID-19 and Coronavirus "- a book that your youngster will adore.

Children and adults alike experience negative feelings and fears as a result of the coronavirus pandemic; children are particularly concerned about the new situation, especially when they do not understand it ""LITTTLE CORONA" offers tips on how to talk to your child about the pandemic, as well as how to explain how to take precautions and avoid social isol

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A trip through human life in 2040

Books by Golu Kumar

This story is based on the year 2040. Along with the events of 2040 created by the author which can take you by surprise. This is a short story. Whose main protagonist Tuntun works in a cafe. Whose mistress is Babli madam who runs that cafe. How Tuntun works from Bihar to Faridabad. How after three years he talks to his madam and brings happiness in his life. How does he save madam from the asteroid incident in 2040? How do two dogs and two kids Ritesh and Sim

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2040 में मानव जीवन में एक यात्रा

Books by गोलू कुमार

यह कहानी टुनटुन नाम के एक व्यक्ति की है जो 2040 में रहता है। क्या होता है जब क्षुद्रग्रह पृथ्वी के पास आते हैं? बबली मैम उनके साथ कैसा है? और दो बच्चों और दो कुत्तों के साथ अपनी यात्रा

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Grandma's Story Collection:

Books by Golu Kumar

golu kumar, India's favorite author, has recounted the best mythological legends in this gift edition. The novels in this collection are packed with stunning artwork, engaging characters, and enchanting worlds to keep the reader enthralled. They are filled with endless strange legends of mighty gods and demons, alluring creatures, and fierce heroines. Read these enthralling tales that will take you to another era and fill you with amazement.in this book conten

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MERRY CHRTSMAS : Amazing Christmas Coloring Graphics BOOK

Books by G.k

Santa Claus, Reindeers, Snowmen, Christmas Trees, and more can all be found in this coloring book!

Get this adorable Christmas coloring book for your child!

50+ original illustrations to color

Pages with a variety of Christmas themes

If you're searching for a terrific Christmas gift for a child who enjoys coloring and wants to expand their imagination and coloring abilities, this is the book for them!

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Books by Golu Kumar

In this stunning coloring book, superheroes demonstrate their strength! Meet heroes of various ages, shapes, and sizes and marvel at how they risk their lives to protect you. Coloring, like superheroes, helps your child avoid physical development delays by improving hand and eye coordination, as well as motor and handwriting abilities! Get your copy now!


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Books by G.k

For the knowledge and awareness of the child. How does the airport work? Where does the luggage go after check-in? What happens in the control tower? How do airplanes fly? This interactive, lift-the-flap book takes you behind the scenes to uncover hidden secrets of the airport—from a peek inside the cockpit to the hustle and bustle of departure. with picture
   for children's home and school

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ABCD Alphabet Coloring Book for Kids

Books by Golu Kumar

Coloring is a great method for kids to express themselves, improve their motor skills, relax, and spend valuable time with their family. Target Publications has created a "ABCD Coloring Book for Kids" with this in mind. This Alphabet Coloring Book was created to encourage your youngsters to use their imaginations. Alphabet Colouring Book highlights include: over 100 huge illustrations for simple colouring, Introduces children to various objects beginning with

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Blue Beard and His Last Wife: A Wonderful Story

Books by Golu Kumar

Long ago, and far from any town, there lived a gentleman who was not only wealthy, but also owned the largest properties in that region of the country. He lived in a magnificent castle, ideally positioned on a rising ground, surrounded by groves of the finest evergreens and other choice trees and bushes, despite having several extremely attractive and well-kept residences on his grounds.

Because the rooms were all hung with the richest damask, curiousl

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Books by Golu Kumar

Contents  -  The City of the Seven Shadows -- A Sappho of the sand -- The secret of Sâ -- The Three Dwarfs of Lebo -- The coming of Allah -- The evil of the Thousand Eyes -- The gate of Hell -- The Queen of the Silent Kingdom -- The Father of the Hundred Slaves -- The mystery of Afo -- The Throne of the Great Torture.

I'm a masked man. I openly admit to being a squatter and a brigand. Living out in the Great Desert, six moons from Algie

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Books by Golu Kumar

There was a Persia emperor named Kosrouschah who, when he first assumed the throne, took great joy in night journeys accompanied by a trusted minister in order to gain information of matters. He frequently went about the city in disguise and had several adventures, one of the most notable of which occurred on his first ramble, not long after his father's ascent to the kingdom.

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भगवान बुद्ध ने बयालीस अध्याय कहाँ है

Books by गोलू कुमार

बुद्ध ने मानव जीवन में बयालीस अध्याय कहा हैं जिन्हें मनुष्य को अपने जीवन में अपनाने की जरुरत हैं ताकि इंसान का जीवन सही दिशा में चल सके 

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Books by Golu Kumar

Such STORIES that you must have heard from your elders then grandmother.A ROYAL THIEF CATCHER, The Magic Pitcher INCLUDED TOTAL IX STORYS

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The tribal Pashtuns AFRIDIS

Books by Golu Kumar

ITS. BRITISH SOLDIER REAL INCIDENTS 1900, THIS TIMEThe tribal Pashtuns of Pakistan, who live along the Afghan–Pakistan border, have long been stereotyped as "violent" and "warrior-like" in colonial and modern literature. A survey of archival literature, however, reveals that oriental representations of tribal Pashtuns are based on different generalizations established and perpetuated during British military missions against tribal Pashtuns. Furthermore,

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Books by Golu Kumar

This incident has been written by a British soldier, SINCE 1900 The lifestyle of Pathans has been told about

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Books by Golu Kumar

The novel The Human Sea has a philosophical theme. Because of his seclusion from society, the author has developed the figure of a human whose life has turned into a tragedy. The novel discusses several facets of alienation issues.

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Books by Mahatma Gandhi

Among the many suggestions for dealing with the evil described here, I respectfully suggest that those in high places, such as the Viceroy, the Commander-in-Chief, the Rajas, Maharajas, Imperial Councillors, and others, who generally travel in superior classes, be subjected to occasional third-class travel without prior notice. We would soon witness a significant improvement in third-class travel conditions, and the uncomplaining millions would receive some co

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Books by Golu Kumar

"Everything there is to know about sketching animals will be taught to you." — From the Collectors' Corner
This intelligent and incisive guidebook, written by a veteran Walt Disney Studios animator, can assist artists of all skill levels to enhance their ability to draw a wide variety of animal forms, both realistically and as caricatures.
You'll discover why the author believes that construction, action analysis, and caricature are critical for

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रूस के समाजवादी सोवियत गणराज्यों से, अमेरिकी कामकाजी पुरुषों के लिए एक पत्र (1918)

Books by एन लेनिन

मूल इस दुर्लभ पुरातात्त्विक पुस्तक का प्रतिकृति पुनर्मुद्रण है। इसमें उम्र के कारण अंकन, अंकन, सीमांत और लापता पृष्ठ जैसी खामियां हो सकती हैं। हमने इस काम को दुनिया के साहित्य

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Books by Golu Kumar

With a functional and detailed table of contents, this meticulously designed ebook collection is formatted for your eReader:
Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness and Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic Time
Matter and Memory in Creative Evolution War's Meaning: Life and Matter in Conflict Dreams

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कई देशों की अद्भुत कहानियाँ

Books by गोलू कुमार

कई देशों की अद्भुत कहानियाँ जैसे इंडिया , कोरिया, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, इंग्लैंड , अमेरिका आदि। जो उनके दादा दादी से उन तथा अपने पुराने लोगो से सुनते आ रहे हैं इस पुस्तक में अभी कुछ कहानि

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The Buddha said forty two chapters

Books by Golu Kumar

Buddha has said o-ohhhh chapters in human life httt man needs to adopt in his life so that human life can go in the right direction.

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Books by गोलू कुमार

  आज की कहानी दो अजनबी लोगो की हैं जो न तो जानते न पहचाते फिर भी किस्मत इन्हें मिलाती हैं फिर न एक दुसरे को पहचान तो चलिए बढ़ते हैं कहानी की और ये कहानी एक लाइब्रेरियन और बिसनेस वुम

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एक मुस्कान के साथ अपने दिन की शुरुआत करें

Books by गोलू कुमार

कभी-कभी हम नाटकीय योजनाएँ बनाते हैं जिनसे हमारे जीवन में खुशियाँ लाने की उम्मीद की जाती है, चाहे वह छुट्टी हो, स्नातक हो या शादी हो।
लेकिन जीवन में साधारण सुख वे हैं जिन पर हम

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'The Golden Lotus Legend'

By GOLU KUMAR in Mythology | Reads: 3,551 | Likes: 1

The following legend is not of Japanese origin. The priestsof Buddhism in Japan knew that the success of their religion lay, notin sweeping out the old gods of Shintō, but in adapting them withinfinite cleverness to the needs of their teaching. In this caseJapan has borrowed from India and in a min  Read More...

Published on Jul 6,2022 01:14 AM

the librarian 2

By GOLU KUMAR in Romance | Reads: 2,891 | Likes: 1

सब ठीक चल रहा होता हैं लेकिन ख़ुशी के पिता का बिजनेस ठीक नहीं चल रहा था और वो अपने लोन भी नहीं बढ़ अ रहा था जिससे उनकी कं  Read More...

Published on Jun 22,2022 01:49 PM

the librarian

By GOLU KUMAR in Romance | Reads: 3,163 | Likes: 1

सबसे पहले बात करते हैं प्रिंस कुमार की जो अपने परिवार के साथ पटना  में एक छोटे से मोहल्ले के एक छोटे से घर में रहता   Read More...

Published on Jun 22,2022 01:46 PM

वेटरो की समस्या

By GOLU KUMAR in Autobiography | Reads: 5,272 | Likes: 2

दसवी के पेपर देने के बाद के टाइम में २०14 के लोकसभा का इलेक्शन था . पेपर देने के बाद हम सभी गावं में ही थे . मेरा बड़ा भाई (   Read More...

Published on Jun 22,2022 10:05 AM

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