Manoj Dole

Engineering Author
Engineering Author

MANOJ DOLE is an Engineer from reputed University. He is currently working with Government Industrial Training- Institute as a lecturer from last 12 Years. His interest include- Engineering Training Material, Invention & Engineering Practical- Knowledge etc.Read More...


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पंप ऑपरेटर कम मेकॅनिक मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

पंप ऑपरेटर कम मेकॅनिक एमसीक्यू हे आयटीआय आणि इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स पंप ऑपरेटर कम मेकॅनिक, सुधारित एनएसक्यूएफ अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्त

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Secretarial Practice (English) MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Secretarial Practice (English) MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Secretarial Practice (English) Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about “Secretarial Practice (English)” trade, a candidate is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this

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Office Assistant cum Computer Operator MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Office Assistant cum Computer Operator MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Office Assistant cum Computer OperatorRevised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers. trade tools, identifies computer peripherals, internal components, basic DOS commands, Windows and Linux interfac

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Multimedia Animation and Special Effects MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Multimedia Animation and Special Effects MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Multimedia Animation and Special EffectsOperator Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Multimedia, Animation & Special Effects trade a candidate is trained on professional skill, professional knowledge and Employability skill related to job rol

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Cosmetology MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Cosmetology MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Course Cosmetology Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about ‘Cosmetology’ trade, a candidate is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to undertake project work, extracurricular a

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Driver cum Mechanic MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Driver cum Mechanic MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Course Driver cum Mechanic Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about ‘‘Driver cum Mechanic (LMV)’ trade is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make / do project

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Wood Work Technician MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Wood Work Technician MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Wood Work Technician , Revised NSQF Syllabus , It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about makes, assembles, alters and repairs wooden structures and articles according to sample or drawing using hand or power tools or both. Studies drawing on sample to understand type of structure or article

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Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance trade a candidate is trained on professional skill, professional knowledge &Employability skill related to job role. In a

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Mason (Building Constructor) MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mason (Building Constructor) MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Mason (Building Constructor). It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Mason (Building Constructor) trade is trained on subjects Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skills related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project

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Surveyor MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Surveyor MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Surveyor It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Surveyor trade is trained on subjects Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge, Employability skills related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and Extra Curricular Activities to build up confidence. The

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Database System Assistant MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Database System Assistant MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Database System Assistant Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Database System Assistant trade a candidate is trained on professional skill, professional knowledge and Employability skill related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to u

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Architectural Draughtsman MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Architectural Draughtsman MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Architectural Draughtsman, Revised NSQF Syllabus, Architectural Draughtsman. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skills related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and Extra C

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Civil Engineering Assistant MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Civil engineering Assistant MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Civil engineering Assistant , Revised NSQF Syllabus, Civil engineering Assistant. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about rvice main, waist outlet cleaning of sanitary installation, scrapping and painting of pipes of a new site. Field Training on use of Adhesive in timber, tile fixin

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Electrician Power Distribution MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electrician Power Distribution MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Electrician Power Distribution, NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about  Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skills related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and Extra Curricular Activities to build up confidence. T

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Information Technology MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Information Technology MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Information Technology. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Information Technology trade a candidate is trained on professional skill, professional knowledge, and Engineering Drawing, Workshop Calculation & Science and Employability skill related to job role. In addition to this a c

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Sewing Technology MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Sewing Technology MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Course Sewing Technology, NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important  about making hand stitches in the given fabric; stitching the following using the given fabric: Seams with seam finishes, Darts, Pleats, Tucks, Gathers & Shirrs, Frill, Hem, Casing, Edge Finishing, Neck lines, Placket, Pocket, Colla

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Great Sportsman in The World

Books by Manoj Dole

The study of sports science is integral to the success of individual athletes. Athletes are some of the most popular people on Earth. He enjoys immense stardom off the field. Everyone will have their own opinion on who people consider to be the greatest player in the world .

When it comes to the most famous athletes in the world, a select few easily top the list. Not only this , many of these popular players are also the best players in their respectiv

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Great Kings in The World

Books by Manoj Dole

There are many kings and kingdoms that the world has seen. So it is not possible to give a straight answer to the greatest king of all time as he has to face various situations and circumstances and even betrayals before the rise of his kingdom. But in my opinion the list of kings in this book are the greatest kings the world has ever seen.

India is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of history and heritage. Many great rulers have been

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Great Scientist in The World-1

Books by Manoj Dole

Planning to study science but feeling unsure about it ? We've got the perfect book for you! If you want to be an innovator , you must read about great scientists from around the world and get inspired by their work!

Scientists are one of the main reasons that society has evolved to its current state. The efforts of some great scientists have contributed to the modernization of the world. Famous scientists like Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei set an ex

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Great Indian Social Reformer

Books by Manoj Dole

Social reformer of India. Any society is made up of different and varied types of individuals ; People of different religions , different castes , different colors , different genders , different beliefs etc. and expects them all to live in harmony and without discrimination ; An ideal situation is when there is equality , liberty and fraternity in all the elements of the society.

However , human societies around the world find that various types of ex

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Great Scientist in the World-2

Books by Manoj Dole

Planning to study science but feeling unsure about it ? We've got the perfect book for you! If you want to be an innovator , you must read about great scientists from around the world and get inspired by their work!

Scientists are one of the main reasons that society has evolved to its current state. The efforts of some great scientists have contributed to the modernization of the world. Famous scientists like Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei set an ex

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Great Indian Sant

Books by Manoj Dole

Indian religions , especially Hinduism , Jainism , Sikhism and Buddhism , the saintly man is revered as "truth-exemplary" for his knowledge of "self , truth and reality". In Sikhism it is used to describe human beings who have attained spiritual enlightenment and divine wisdom and power by uniting with God.

A saint has an important place in the life of a devotee. The importance of a saint is also mentioned in Hindu scriptures. According to Hindu script

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Great Indian Freedom Fighter

Books by Manoj Dole

Great Indian Freedom Fighters is a book developed for readers who are interested in knowing History , Personalities , Famous Places or anything that attracts human curiosity. The book is designed to create awareness among the present generation about the famous culture and achievements of India and the world. In this book you will learn about the great Indian freedom fighters who fought for their motherland and made their place in history.

Indian histo

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Great Businessman in the World

Books by Manoj Dole

Successful entrepreneurs inspire other successful entrepreneurs and this list of super successful entrepreneurs has inspired millions! Two key characteristics of all successful entrepreneurs are their focus and determination. Their success has come as a result of solving problems and making the world a better place. Are you looking for the list of most famous entrepreneurs in the world ? Well you have come to the right place.

This book contains a list

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ग्रेट इंडियन संत हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारतीय धर्मों, विशेष रूप से हिंदू धर्म, जैन धर्म, सिख धर्म और बौद्ध धर्म में "आत्म, सत्य और वास्तविकता" के अपने ज्ञान के लिए संत मानव को "सत्य-अनुकरणीय" के रूप में सम्मानित किया जाता

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ग्रेट इंडियन सोशल रिफॉर्मर हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारत के समाज सुधारक। कोई भी समाज विभिन्न और विविध प्रकार के व्यक्तियों से बना होता है; अलग-अलग धर्म, अलग-अलग जाति, अलग-अलग रंग, अलग-अलग लिंग, अलग-अलग मान्यता आदि के लोग। और उन सभी से स

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ग्रेट सायंटिस्ट इन द वर्ल्ड हिंन्दी 1

Books by मनोज डोळे

विज्ञान का अध्ययन करने की योजना बना रहे हैं लेकिन इसके बारे में अनिश्चित महसूस कर रहे हैं? हमारे पास आपके लिए एकदम सही किताब है! यदि आप एक नवप्रवर्तक बनना चाहते हैं, तो आपको दुनिया

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ग्रेट स्पोर्ट्समन इन द वर्ल्ड हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

खेल विज्ञान का अध्ययन व्यक्तिगत एथलीटों की सफलता का अभिन्न अंग है। एथलीट पृथ्वी पर सबसे लोकप्रिय लोगों में से कुछ हैं। वे मैदान से बाहर अपार स्टारडम का आनंद लेते हैं। लोग किसे द

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ग्रेट साईन्टिस्ट इन द वर्ल्ड हिंन्दी 2

Books by मनोज डोळे

विज्ञान का अध्ययन करने की योजना बना रहे हैं लेकिन इसके बारे में अनिश्चित महसूस कर रहे हैं? हमारे पास आपके लिए एकदम सही किताब है! यदि आप एक नवप्रवर्तक बनना चाहते हैं, तो आपको दुनिया

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ग्रेट किंग्स इन द वर्ल्ड हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारत इतिहास और विरासत के मामले में दुनिया के सबसे अमीर देशों में से एक है। दुनिया के इतिहास में हमारे देश में कई महान शासकों का जन्म हुआ है। इस पुस्तक की सूची में ईसा पूर्व से आधुन

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ग्रेट इंडियन आर्मी हिरो हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारतीय सेना का विशिष्ट इतिहास दस हजार वर्ष से भी अधिक पुराना है। दो महान महाकाव्य 'रामायण' और 'महाभारत' बुनियादी ढाँचे हैं जिनके चारों ओर भारतीय सेना का भवन बना है। उत्तर-मध्य भार

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ग्रेट बिझनेसमॅन इन द वर्ल्ड हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

सफल उद्यमी अन्य सफल उद्यमियों को प्रेरित करते हैं और सुपर सफल उद्यमियों की इस सूची ने लाखों लोगों को प्रेरित किया है! सभी सफल उद्यमियों की दो प्रमुख विशेषताएं उनका ध्यान और दृढ़

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ग्रेट इंडियन फ्रीडम फायटर हिंन्दी

Books by मनोज डोळे

महान भारतीय Freedom Fighters हिंन्दी पाठकों के लिए विकसित एक पुस्तक है जो इतिहास, व्यक्तित्व, प्रसिद्ध स्थानों या मानव जिज्ञासा को आकर्षित करने वाली किसी भी चीज़ को जानने के इच्छुक हैं। प

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Structural Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Structural Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Structural Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Fundamentals of Engineering Drawings, Construction and Civil Engineering Technology, Structural Fundamentals, Soils and Foundations, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Structural Analysis, Structural Design of Co

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Textile Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Textile Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Textile Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Physics, Engineering Graphics/Drawing, Basics of Chemistry, Elements of Textile Technology, Organic Chemistry, Fiber Science and Technology, Computer Utilization, Mechanical Engineering for Textiles, Dye

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Production Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Production Engineering is a simple e-Book for Production Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Chemistry, Automation & control Engineering, Operation Research          Production Design and Development, Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics, Computer Integrated Design & Manufacturing

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ग्रेट इंडियन संत मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

संत म्हणजे भारतीय धर्म, विशेषत: हिंदू, जैन, शीख आणि बौद्ध धर्मातील त्यांच्या "स्व, सत्य, आणि वास्तविकतेच्या" ज्ञानासाठी "सत्य-अनुकरणीय" म्हणून आदरणीय मानव.  शीख धर्मात ते वर्णन क

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Robotics Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Robotics Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Robotics Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Foundations of robotics, Robot dynamics, Special topics in robotics engineering, Robotics engineering practicum, Mathematical algorithms, Social implications of technology, Computer science, Electrical and Mechani

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ग्रेट किंग्स इन द वर्ल्ड मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारत हा इतिहास आणि वारसा या बाबतीत जगातील सर्वात श्रीमंत देशांपैकी एक आहे. जगाच्या इतिहासात अनेक महान राज्यकर्ते आपल्या देशात जन्माला आले आहेत. या पुस्तकातील या यादीमध्ये भार

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Power Electronics Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Power Electronics Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Power Electronics Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Chemistry, Basics of Electrical Engineering, Computer Programming and Utilization, Engineering Physics, Basics of Electronic Engineering, Digital Electronics, DC Machines and Transformers, Electr

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Power System Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Power System Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Power System Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies , Circuit Theory & Network, Electrical Electronic Measurement, Fluid Machinery, Engineering Thermodynamics, Materials Science and Technology,

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Plastic Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Plastic Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Plastic Technology Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Physics, Basic Polymer Chemistry, Computer Programming and Utilization, Basics of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Drawing/Graphics, Basics of Electrical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Envi

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Petroleum Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Petroleum Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Petroleum Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Physics, Computer Programming, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Studies, Engineering Drawing, Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering

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Mining Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mining Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Mining Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Computer application, Engineering mechanics, Engineering mathematics, Strength of materials, Electrical technology, Engineering drawing, Workshop practice, Environmental engineering, Communication skills, Basic electr

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Petrochemical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Petrochemical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Petrochemical Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Petroleum Refining, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and lots more.

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Metallurgical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Metallurgical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Metallurgical Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Physics, Engineering Graphics/Drawing, Applied Mechanics, Workshop (Practical), Engineering Chemistry, Metallurgy Drawing, Physical Metallurgy (Basic), Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering,

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Computer Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Computer Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ  is a Book for Computer Engineering Course, Revised Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Introduction to computer concepts, Concepts of electrical and electronics engineering, Programming using C , Digital , Basic electronics , Programming with C , Basic Computer Skills , Multimedia , Applied S

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Mechanical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Mechanical Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Physics, Applied Mechanics, Engineering Drawing/Graphics, Material Science, Mechanical Drafting, Communication Skills, Basic Civil Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Thermal E

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Material Science & Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Material Science & Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Material Science Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Material Science, Computer Applications, Engineering Principles, Physical Chemistry, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Design, Principles of Metal Extraction, Tools of the Trade, Quality Assura

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Marine Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Marine Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Marine Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about General Physiology with Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Spherical Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry with Solid Geometry, Aptitude for the Service, Engine Watch keeping, Engine Officers, Ship and Ships Routine, Ship Const

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Manufacturing Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Manufacturing Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Manufacturing Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Science, Computer Studies, Engineering Drawing and CADD, Workshop Technology, Production Planning, Manufacturing Processes, Industrial Automation, C++ Programming, Theory of Machines, Kinemat

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Heat Power Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Heat Power Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Heat Power Technology Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about internal combustion engines, alternative fuels engines, Steams engines, Refrigeration and air conditioning Engg, Pollution Fluid Mechanism control of industries and lots more.

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Instrumentation Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Instrumentation Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Instrumentation Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENTS, NETWORK ANALYSIS, CONCEPTS OF DIGITAL ELECTRONICS, CONCEPTS OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS, INSTRUMENTATION PRACTICAL, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREM

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Industrial Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Industrial Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Industrial Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Mechanics, Communication Skills, Computer Skills, Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Electrotechnology, Engineering Work Study, Production Engineering: Industrial, Qualitativ

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Leather Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Lather Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Lather Technology Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Analytical Chemistry Of Leather, Chemistry and Technology of Leather Manufacture, Computer Applications in Leather Technology, Fashion Styling And Computer Aided Design Of Leather Product, Footwear Technolog

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Electronics & Communication Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electronics & Communication Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Electronics & Communication Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Professional Communication, Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Applied Mathematics III, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Education & Disaster Managem

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Electronics Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electronics Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Electronics Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Electrical Circuits, Elements of Electrical Engineering Electronics, Computer-Aided Engineering Drawing, Basic Computer Skills, Electrical Circuit Laboratory

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Environmental Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Environmental Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Environmental Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Engineering Physics, Engineering Drawing/Graphics, Communication Skills, Environmental Conservation and Hazard Management, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Building Drawing, Applied Chemistry, Applied

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Energy Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Energy Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Energy Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Chemistry, Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations I, Environmental Studies, Introduction to numerical analysis, Computer Programming, Chemistry, Basic Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Economics, Electr

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Electrical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electrical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Electrical Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Applied Science, Electrical Machines, Estimation and Specification, Applied Mathematics, Computer-aided electrical drawing, Embedded system, Elements of electrical engineering, Electrical Power generation &nbs

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Chemical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Chemical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Chemical Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Basics of Computer Systems, Chemistry I,Chemistry II, Engineering Drawing I, Engineering Drawing II, Physics I, Physics II, Applied, Mathematics Communication Skill, Development of life skill, Engineering Mathemat

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Ceramic Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Ceramic Technology Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Ceramic Technology Diploma & Engineering Course, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about, Engineering Physics, Engineering Drawing/Graphics, Computer Programming and Utilization, Environmental Conservation and Hazard Management, Engineering Mathematics, Applied Chemistry, Basics of Mechanical

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Automobile Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Automobile Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Automobile Diploma & Engineering Course, Revised Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Automobile Mechanics, Applied Science Lab, Automobile Workshop Practice, Auto Electrical and Electronics, Automobile Workshop Tech, Auto Repair and Maintenance, Automotive Engine Auxiliary Sy

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Architecture Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Architecture Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Architecture Diploma & Engineering Course, Revised Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Construction Project Management, Strength of Material, Interior and Exterior Design,  Foundation Design, Civil Draftsman and Architecture, Building Constructions, Concrete Technology

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Aeronautical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Aeronautical Engineering Diploma & Engineering MCQ is a simple Book for Aeronautical Diploma & Engineering Course, Revised Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Applied Science, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Aided Engineering Drawing, Elements of Aeronautics, Engineering Drawing, Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics a

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इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रम सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी प्रणाली रखरखाव आईसीटीएसएम के

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ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिल द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिल द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिलसाठी पुस्तक आहे , मध्ये सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रम , ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिल. यामध्ये अधोरेख

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इलेक्ट्रिशियन प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रिशियन प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम इलेक्ट्रीशियन प्रथम वर्ष, मध्ये NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस

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शीट मेटल वर्कर SMW मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

शीट मेटल वर्कर SMW मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक पुस्तक आहे, सुधारित एनएसक्यू स्तर अभ्यासक्रम , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

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मशीनिस्ट ग्राइंडर द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशिनिस्ट ग्राइंडर द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम लिफ्ट आणि एस्केलेटर मेकॅनिक, द्वितीय वर्ष, मध्ये सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे , यात अधोर

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मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स MMTM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स MMTM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स (MMTM) साठी एक साधे बुक आहे. , द्वितीय वर्ष, मध्ये सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रम, य

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Welder (Welding & Inspection)

Books by Manoj Dole

Welder (Welding & Inspection) is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Welder (Welding & Inspection). It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about different types of welding and allied operations, cutting, welding, brazing, Arc welding, Gas welding, Brazing, GMAW and GTAW welding, welded joint by visual inspection, Bend test, tensile test, hardness test and Impact test, surface defects

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मेकॅनिक ट्रॅक्टर मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक ट्रॅक्टर मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स मेकॅनिक ट्रॅक्टरसाठी एक साधे ई-बुक आहे. यात वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह MCQ समाविष्ट आहेत ज्यात

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वेल्डर मराठी MCQ (फॅब्रिकेशन एंड फिटिंग)

Books by मनोज डोळे

वेल्डर मराठी MCQ (फॅब्रिकेशन एंड फिटिंग) हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स वेल्डर (फॅब्रिकेशन आणि फिटिंग) साठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे. यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प

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इलेक्ट्रीशियन द्वितीय वर्ष हिंदी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रीशियन द्वितीय वर्ष हिंदी एमसीक्यू आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स इलेक्ट्रीशियन द्वितीय वर्ष, में एनएसक्यू एफ पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सह

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टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ  हे आयटीआय इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स टूल आणि डाय मेकर (प्रेस टूल्स, जिग्स आणि फिक्स्चर) साठी एक साधे बुक आहे. , द्वितीय वर्ष, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रम,

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रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI अभ्यासक्रम सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प

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कंप्युटर ऑपरेटर और प्रोग्रामिंग असिस्टंट COPA हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

कंप्युटर ऑपरेटर और प्रोग्रामिंग असिस्टंट COPA हिंदी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रम कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर और प्रोग्रामिंग सहायक , संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक ह

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ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिल प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिल फर्स्ट इयर मराठी MCQ हे ITI इंजिनिअरिंग कोर्स ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिल ,मध्ये सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रम , ड्राफ्ट्समन सिव्हिलसाठी बुक आहे . यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक

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Mechanic Agricultural Machinery Second Year

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Agricultural Machinery Second Year is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Agricultural Machinery, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Mould Board Plough.   disc Plough. tillage and its Implements. Record information of Tillage and its implementation system. Chisel Plough. Rotavator. rotavator operation.

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Machinist Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Machinist Second Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course, Second Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about cutting tools, milling operation like boring, gear cutting, spline, Basic electrical equipment and sensors, CNC turning operation, CNC milling operation, operation and part programming, simple repair and maintenan

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Machinist First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Machinist First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Lift and Escalator Mechanic, First Year, Revised NSQ F Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety aspect related to the trade, basic fitting operations viz., making, filing, sawing, chiseling, drilling, tapping, grinding, different fits viz., sliding, T-fit and squ

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टर्नर द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टर्नर द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स टर्नर, सेकेंड ईयर, में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल बुक है, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष

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Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance First Year ICTSM

Books by Manoj Dole

Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance First Year ICTSM is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance ICTSM. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, Resistors and Soldering, De-soldering practice,Inductors, measure Inductance and

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Mechanic Motor Vehicle First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Motor Vehicle MMV First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Motor Vehicle (MMV) , First Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus , It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety aspect in general and specific to the trade, tools & equipment, raw materials, Measuring & marking by using various Measuring & Marking tools, basic fastening and fitting operations, basi

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Sheet Metal Worker MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Sheet Metal Worker MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course, Revised NSQ level Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about make, install and repair articles and parts of articles of sheet metal such as sheet steel, copper, tin, brass, aluminium, zinc or galvanized iron. Sheet Metal Worker, makes sheet metal articles according to drawing or sam

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वायरमैन प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वायरमैन प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स वायरमैन फर्स्ट ईयर,  में एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष

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वेल्डर हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वेल्डर हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स वेल्डर के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न होते हैं एमसीक्यू गैस वेल्डिंग प्लांट

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वायरमैन द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वायरमैन सेकेंड ईयर हिंन्दी MCQ में आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स वायरमैन सेकेंड ईयर हिंन्दी, एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल किताब है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्त

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ग्रेट स्पोर्ट्समन इन द वर्ल्ड मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

क्रीडा विज्ञानाचा अभ्यास हा वैयक्तिक खेळाडूंच्या यशाचा अविभाज्य भाग आहे. खेळाडू हे पृथ्वीवरील सर्वात लोकप्रिय लोकांपैकी काही आहेत. ते मैदानाबाहेर प्रचंड स्टारडम एन्जॉय करत

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टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स टूल एंड डाई मेकर (प्रेस टूल्स, जिग्स एंड फिक्स्चर) डाईज एंड मोल्ड्स के लिए एक सरल बुक है। , प्रथम वर्ष, में संशोधित

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टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स टूल एंड डाई मेकर (प्रेस टूल्स, जिग्स और फिक्स्चर) के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। , द्वितीय वर्ष, में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ

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शीट मेटल वर्कर SMW हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

शीट मेटल वर्कर SMW हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स, संशोधित एनएसक्यू स्तर के पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न श

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स्टेनोग्राफर सेक्रेटरीअल असिस्टंट हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

स्टेनोग्राफर सेक्रेटरीअल असिस्टंट हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-पुस्तक है आशुलिपिक सचिवीय सहायक (अंग्रेजी) , में संशोधित NSQF सिलेबस, इसमें रेखांकित और ब

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रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT प्रथम वर्ष 

हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई पाठ्यक्रम संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों

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रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT द्वितीय वर्ष 

हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई कोर्स संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के

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पंप ऑपरेटर कम मैकेनिक हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

पंप ऑपरेटर कम मैकेनिक Hindi MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है पंप ऑपरेटर सह मैकेनिक, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ व

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प्लॅस्टिक प्रोसेसिंग ऑपरेटर PPO हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

प्लॅस्टिक प्रोसेसिंग ऑपरेटर PPO हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स प्लास्टिक प्रोसेसिंग ऑपरेटर के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ NSQF संशोधित प

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प्लंबर हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

प्लंबर हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स प्लम्बर, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न हैं, ए

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मेकॅनिक ट्रॅक्टर हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक ट्रॅक्टर हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक ट्रैक्टर के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न शामिल हैं, एमसीक्

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मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक कृषि मशीनरी, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल बुक है, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही

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मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स MMTM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स MMTM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनेंस (एमएमटीएम) के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। , प्रथम वर्ष, में संशोधित NSQF सिलेबस , इसमे

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मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स MMTM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनन्स MMTM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक मशीन टूल मेंटेनेंस (एमएमटीएम) के लिए एक सरल बुक है। , द्वितीय वर्ष, में संशोधित NSQF पाठ्यक्रम

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मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक मोटर व्हीकल (एमएमवी) के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। , द्वितीय वर्ष, में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम, इसम

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ऑपरेटर एडवांस्ड मशीन टूल प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ऑपरेटर एडवांस्ड मशीन टूल फर्स्ट ईयर हिंन्दी एमसीक्यू आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स के लिए एक सरल बुक है ऑपरेटर एडवांस्ड मशीन टूल फर्स्ट ईयर, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस , इसमें रे

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मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक कृषि मशीनरी, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड

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मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक मोटर व्हीकल (एमएमवी) के लिए एक सरल बुक है। , प्रथम वर्ष में संशोधित NSQF सिलेबस, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्

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मशीनिस्ट द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशीनिस्ट द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स लिफ्ट और एस्केलेटर मैकेनिक, द्वितीय वर्ष, में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है, इसमें रेखांकित और ब

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इंस्ट्रूमेंट मैकेनिक फर्स्ट ईयर हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इंस्ट्रूमेंट मैकेनिक फर्स्ट ईयर एमसीक्यू आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स इंस्ट्रूमेंट मैकेनिक फर्स्ट ईयर के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस , इसमें रेखांकित और ब

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वायरमन द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वायरमन द्वितीय मराठी वर्ष MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम वायरमन द्वितीय वर्ष, NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी मधील एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्

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वायरमन प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वायरमन प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स वायरमन फर्स्ट इयर, मधील NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न समावि

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शीट मेटल वर्कर SMW मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

शीट मेटल वर्कर SMW मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, सुधारित एनएसक्यू स्तर अभ्यासक्रम , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ

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रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI अभ्यासक्रम सुधारित NSQ Fअभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक पुस्तक आहे , यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

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इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम माहिती आणि संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान प्रणाली देखभाल ICTSM साठी एक साधे

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रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभ्यासक्रम सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक पुस्तक आहे , यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्र

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इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक फर्स्ट इयर MCQ हे ITI आणि इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक फर्स्ट इयर, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एकपुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरां

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इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम माहिती आणि संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान प्रणाली देखभाल ICTSM साठी एक सा

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ऑपरेटर ऍडवान्सड मशीन टूल प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ऑपरेटर ऍडवान्सड मशीन टूल प्रथम वर्ष MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम ऑपरेटर प्रगत मशीन टूल प्रथम वर्ष, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळ

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प्लंबर मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

प्लंबर MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम प्लंबर, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह MCQ सर्व विषयांचा समावेश आहे ज्यात सुरुवा

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पंप ऑपरेटर कम मेकॅनिक मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

पंप ऑपरेटर कम मेकॅनिक एमसीक्यू हे आयटीआय आणि इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स पंप ऑपरेटर कम मेकॅनिक, सुधारित एनएसक्यूएफ अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्त

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ग्रेट साईन्टिस्ट इन द वर्ल्ड मराठी २

Books by मनोज डोळे

विज्ञानाचा अभ्यास करण्याची योजना आहे परंतु त्याबद्दल अनिश्चित वाटत आहे? आमच्याकडे तुमच्यासाठी फक्त छान पुस्तक आहे! जर तुम्हाला नवोदित बनायचे असेल, तर तुम्ही जगभरातील महान शा

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फाउंड्रीमन मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

फाउंड्रीमॅन MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स फाउंड्रीमॅनसाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ अभ्यासक्रम , यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह MCQ सर्व विषयांचा समावेश आहे ज

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इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर प्रथम वर्ष MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर प्रथम वर्ष, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरां

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इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मेकॅनिक प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मेकॅनिक प्रथम वर्ष MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मेकॅनिक प्रथम वर्ष मध्ये सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रम , त्यात अधोरेखित

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इलेक्ट्रिशियन द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रीशियन द्वितीय मराठी वर्ष MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम इलेक्ट्रीशियन द्वितीय वर्ष,मधील NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांस

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कारपेंटर मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

कारपेंटर MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स कारपेंटर मध्ये सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नांचा समावेश आहे MCQ मध्ये स

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फाउंड्रीमैन हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

फाउंड्रीमैन हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है फाउंड्रीमैन, संशोधित एनएसक्यू पाठ्यक्रम में , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्

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इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मैकेनिक प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मैकेनिक प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मैकेनिक प्रथम वर्ष, में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम, इसम

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एम्प्लॉयबिलिटी स्किल्स हिंदी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

एम्प्लॉयबिलिटी स्किल्स हिंदी MCQ बिलिटी स्किल्स एमसीक्यू आईटीआई सब्जेक्ट एम्प्लॉयबिलिटी स्किल्स रिवाइज्ड एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल किताब है, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सह

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इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर फर्स्ट ईयर हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स इलेक्ट्रोप्लेटर फर्स्ट ईयर, संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल किताब है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत

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ग्रेट सायंटिस्ट इन द वर्ल्ड मराठी 1

Books by मनोज डोळे

विज्ञानाचा अभ्यास करण्याची योजना आहे परंतु त्याबद्दल अनिश्चित वाटत आहे? आमच्याकडे तुमच्यासाठी फक्त छान पुस्तक आहे! जर तुम्हाला नवोदित बनायचे असेल, तर तुम्ही जगभरातील महान शा

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ड्राफ्ट्समैन मैकेनिकल द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समैन मैकेनिकल द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स रिवाइज्ड एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस , ड्राफ्ट्समैन मैकेनिकल सेकेंड ईयर के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है । इसमें रेखांकित औ

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इलेक्ट्रीशियन प्रथम वर्ष हिंदी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इलेक्ट्रीशियन प्रथम वर्ष हिंदी एमसीक्यू आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स इलेक्ट्रीशियन प्रथम वर्ष के लिए एक सरल पुस्तक है, 2022 में एनएसक्यूएफ पाठ्यक्रम , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उ

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ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स के लिए एक सरल बुक है, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस , ड्राफ्ट्समैन मैकेनिकल। इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही

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ड्राफ्ट्समैन सिविल प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समैन सिविल फर्स्ट ईयर एमसीक्यू आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स ड्राफ्ट्समैन सिविल , 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यूएफ सिलेबस , ड्राफ्ट्समैन सिविल के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है । इसमें रेखां

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कारपेंटर हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

कारपेंटर MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स कारपेंटर, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यू पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न शामिल है

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Wireman Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Wireman Second Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Wireman Second Year, NSQF-4 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about to construct and test Half–wave, full-wave, and bridge rectifiers with filter & without filter. He will be able to identify the constructional features, working principles of DC machine. Starting with suitable starter, running, f

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Wireman First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Wireman First Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Wireman First Year, NSQF-4 Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, artificial respiratory resuscitation to begin with. He gets the idea of planning & preparing good quality electrical wire joints for single and multi stand conductors suitable for applications w

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Pump Operator cum Mechanic MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Pump Operator cum Mechanic MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Pump Operator cum Mechanic, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about basic fitting operations in the work shop; use different types of tools and work shop equipment in workshop; perform precision measurements on the components and compare parameters with specif

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ग्रेट बिझनेसमॅन इन द वर्ल्ड मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

यशस्वी उद्योजक इतर यशस्वी उद्योजकांना प्रेरणा देतात आणि या सुपर यशस्वी उद्योजकांच्या यादीने लाखो लोकांना प्रेरणा दिली आहे!  सर्व यशस्वी उद्योजकांची दोन प्रमुख वैशिष्ट्ये

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Electroplater First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electroplater First Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Electroplater First Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers and various safety measures involved in the industry. He gets the idea of trade tools &machineries, practices on filing, hack sawing, planning, dr

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Plumber MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Plumber MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Plumber, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about basic fitting in the beginning and the candidate imparted training on allied trades viz., carpenter, Welding (Gas & Arc), Masonry which leads to multi-skilling. In the basic fitting the skills imparted are marking, sawing, chippin

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ग्रेट इंडियन सोशल रिफॉर्मर मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारताचे समाजसुधारक. कोणताही समाज विविध आणि विविध प्रकारच्या व्यक्तींचा बनलेला असतो; इतर धर्म, भिन्न जाती, भिन्न रंग, भिन्न लिंग, भिन्न श्रद्धा इत्यादि व्यक्ती. आणि त्यांनी सर्व

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Operator Advanced Machine Tool First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Operator Advanced Machine Tool First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Operator Advanced Machine Tool First Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety aspect related to the trade, basic fitting operations viz., making, filing, sawing, chiseling, drilling, tapping, grinding and sheet metal work. The prac

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Instrument Mechanic First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Instrument Mechanic First Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Instrument Mechanic First Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, artificial respiratory resuscitation to begin with. He gets the idea of trade tools & its standardization, Familiarize with basics of

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Foundryman MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Foundryman MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Foundryman, Revised NSQ Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about broadly covers safety aspect in general to safety aspect specific to the trade, identify tools & equipment, raw materials used in casting. Further sand sieving and mixing, sand testing is taught. Other operations li

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Electronics Mechanic First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electronics Mechanic First Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Electronics Mechanic First Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, artificial respiratory resuscitation to begin with. He gets the idea of trade tools & its standardization, Familiarize with

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Draughtsman Mechanical Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Draughtsman Mechanical Second Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Revised NSQF Syllabus, Draughtsman Mechanical Second Year. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about skill in CAD application practical assignments are given by using commands in various methods. Detail and assembly drawing of machine parts viz., Pulleys, Pipe fittings, Gears

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Electrician First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electrician First Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Electrician First Year, NSQF Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about  safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, artificial respiratory resuscitation to begin with. He gets the idea of trade tools & its standardization, identifies different types of conductors, cables & their skinning &

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ग्रेट इंडियन आर्मी हिरो मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

भारतीय सैन्याचा प्रतिष्ठित इतिहास दहा हजार वर्षांहून अधिक जुना आहे. ‘रामायण’ आणि ‘महाभारत’ ही दोन भव्य महाकाव्ये भारतीय सैन्याची इमारत ज्या मूलभूत चौकटीभोवती बांधली ग

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ग्रेट इंडियन फ्रीडम फायटर मराठी

Books by मनोज डोळे

ग्रेट इंडियन फ्रीडम फायटर मराठी हे पुस्तक आहे जे वाचकांसाठी विकसित केले गेले आहे जे इतिहास, व्यक्तिमत्त्वे, प्रसिद्ध ठिकाणे किंवा मानवी कुतूहल आकर्षित करणारी कोणतीही गोष्ट ज

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Electrician Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Electrician Second Year MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Electrician Second Year, NSQ F Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about electrical rotating machines viz. DC machines, induction motors, alternators & MG sets and practice on them. The trainee will practice on determining characteristics, their performance analysis, starting, speed control and rever

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Draughtsman Civil Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Draughtsman Civil Second Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Draughtsman Civil, Revised NSQF Syllabus in 2022, Draughtsman Civil. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Single storied building plan in traditional drawing.Knowledge and application of Computer Aided Drafting.Workspace creating drawing using toolbars, commands, and menus.Plo

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Carpenter MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Carpenter MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Carpenter, Revised NSQ Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about makes, assembles, alters and repairs wooden structures and articles according to sample or drawing using hand or power tools or both. Studies drawing on sample to understand type of structure or article to be made and

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Draughtsman Civil First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Draughtsman Civil First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Draughtsman Civil, Revised NSQF Syllabus in 2022, Draughtsman Civil. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about basic drawing (consisting geometrical figure, symbols & representations). Later the drawing skills imparted are drawing of different scales, projections, drawing of shoring

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Books by Manoj Dole

EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Subject EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about-

English literacy module to understand the application of skills like pronunciation, functional grammar, greeting, introduction etc

I.T. Literacy This module covers the topics like Basics of computer, M

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इंजिनिअरिंग ड्रॉईंग & वर्कशॉप कॅलक्युलेशन सायन्स मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इंजिनिअरिंग ड्रॉईंग वर्कशॉप कॅलक्युलेशन सायन्स मराठी MCQ  हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी रेखाचित्र आणि कार्यशाळा गणना आणि विज्ञान विषयासाठी एक साधे पुस्तक आहे, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F अभ्यासक

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एम्प्लॉयबिलिटी स्किल्स मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

एम्प्लॉयबिलिटी स्किल्स मराठी MCQ क्षमता कौशल्य MCQ हे ITI विषयाचे रोजगार कौशल्य सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमाचे एक साधे पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्

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Engineering Drawing & Workshop Calculation and Science MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Engineering Drawing & Workshop Calculation and Science MCQ is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Drawing & Workshop Calculation and Science Subject, Revised NSQ F Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about geometrical figures using drawing instruments, freehand drawing of machine components in correct proportions, procedure to prepare a drawing

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मशीनिस्ट ग्राइंडर द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशीनिस्ट ग्राइंडर द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स लिफ्ट और एस्केलेटर मैकेनिक, द्वितीय वर्ष, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है , इसमें

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मशीनिस्ट प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशीनिस्ट प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स लिफ्ट और एस्केलेटर मैकेनिक के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है, प्रथम वर्ष, संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 पाठ्यक्रम 2022 में , इसमें रेखांकित और

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मशीनिस्ट ग्राइंडर प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशीनिस्ट ग्राइंडर, फर्स्ट ईयर, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है । फाइलिंग, सॉइंग, ड्रिलिंग, टैपिंग, चिपिंग, ग्राइंडिंग और अलग-अलग फिट्स, खराद पर टर्निंग ऑपर

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ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 सिलेबस , ड्राफ्ट्समैन मैकेनिकल। इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों

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इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई और इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रम सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी प्रणाली रखरखाव आईसीटीएसएम के ल

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डिझेल मेकॅनिक हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

डिझेल मेकॅनिक हिंन्दी MCQ 2018 में आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स मैकेनिक डीजल, सेम -1 और 2, एनएसक्यू एफ -5 सिलेबस 2022 सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है। इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस

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फिटर द्वितीय वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

फिटर सेकेंड ईयर हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स फिटर, सेकेंड ईयर, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल ई-बुक है , इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनि

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वेल्डर (स्ट्रक्चरल) मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वेल्डर (स्ट्रक्चरल) मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स वेल्डर (स्ट्रक्चरल) साठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे. यामध्ये अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नांचा समाव

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वेल्डर मराठी MCQ (वेल्डिंग एंड इन्स्पेकशन)

Books by मनोज डोळे

वेल्डर मराठी MCQ (वेल्डिंग एंड इन्स्पेकशन ) हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स वेल्डर (वेल्डिंग आणि तपासणी) साठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे. यामध्ये अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तु

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वेल्डर (पाईप) मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वेल्डर (पाईप) मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम वेल्डर (पाईप), सुधारित अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नां

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Welder ( Structural )

Books by Manoj Dole

Welder (Structural) is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Welder (Structural). It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about Gas welding, straight, bevel & circular cutting on MS plate by Oxy-acetylene cutting process., different type of MS pipe joints by Gas welding (OAW), types of MS pipe joints on structural pipes by SMAW, Weld Stainless steel, Cast iron, Aluminium and Brass by O

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Welder (Fabrication & Fitting)

Books by Manoj Dole

Welder (Fabrication & Fitting) is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Welder (Fabrication & Fitting). It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about Gas welding in different positions, straight, bevel & circular cutting on MS plate by Oxy-acetylene cutting process, different type of MS pipe joints by Gas welding, different types of MS pipe joints on structural pipes by SMAW, Weld Stai

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Welder ( Pipe )

Books by Manoj Dole

Welder ( Pipe ) is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Welder ( Pipe ) , Revised Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about MS sheet & Gas welding, straight, bevel & circular cutting on MS plate by Oxy-acetylene cutting process, different type of MS pipe joints,Gas welding, types of MS pipe joints on structural pipes, Weld Stainless steel, Cast iron, Aluminium and Brass, b

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टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टूल अँड डाय मेकर TDM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स टूल आणि डाय मेकर (प्रेस टूल्स, जिग्स आणि फिक्स्चर) डाय आणि मोल्ड्ससाठी एक साधे ई-बुक आहे. , प्रथम वर्ष, सेमी- 1 आणि 2, 202

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प्लॅस्टिक प्रोसेसिंग ऑपरेटर PPO मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

प्लॅस्टिक प्रोसेसिंग ऑपरेटर PPO मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय आणि इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स प्लॅस्टिक प्रोसेसिंग ऑपरेटरसाठी एक साधे ई-बुक आहे. यात NSQF सुधारित अभ्यासक्रमाचे वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न अधोर

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स्टेनोग्राफर सेक्रेटरीअल असिस्टंट मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

स्टेनोग्राफर सेक्रेटरीअल असिस्टंट मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स स्टेनोग्राफर सेक्रेटरीअल असिस्टंट (इंग्रजी) साठी एक साधे ई-बुक आहे. , सेम- 1 आणि 2, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्या

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वेल्डर मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

वेल्डर मराठी MCQ हे एक बुक आहे. यामध्ये अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नांचा समावेश आहे MCQ ज्यामध्ये गॅस वेल्डिंग प्लांट आणि जॉईन एमएस शीट, एमएसवरील विविध प्रका

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मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय इंजिनिअरिंग कोर्स मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल (एमएमव्ही) साठी एक साधे ई-बुक आहे. , प्रथम वर्ष, सेमी- 1 आणि 2, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्

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रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

रेफ्रिजरेशन अँड एअर कंडिशन टेक्निशियन RACT प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभ्यासक्रम सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे , यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनि

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मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल MMV द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय इंजिनीअरिंग कोर्स मेकॅनिक मोटर व्हेईकल (एमएमव्ही) साठी एक साधे ई-बुक आहे. , द्वितीय वर्ष, सेमी- 3 आणि 4, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्य

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मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ ITI अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम मेकॅनिक कृषी यंत्रसामग्री, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अ

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मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मेकॅनिक एग्रीकल्चेर मशिनरी MAM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQआयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम मेकॅनिक अॅग्रिकल्चरल मशिनरी, सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखि

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मशीनिस्ट द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशिनिस्ट द्वितीय वर्ष MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स लिफ्ट आणि एस्केलेटर मेकॅनिकसाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, द्वितीय वर्ष, सेमी- 3 आणि 4, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रम, यात अधोरेखित आणि

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मशीनिस्ट ग्राइंडर प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशिनिस्ट ग्राइंडर प्रथम वर्ष MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स लिफ्ट आणि एस्केलेटर मेकॅनिकसाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, प्रथम वर्ष, सेमी- 1 आणि 2, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रम यामध्ये अधोर

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इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम माहिती आणि संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान प्रणाली देखभाल ICTSM साठी एक सा

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इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

इन्फोर्मेशन & कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलोजी सिस्टीम मेंटेनन्स ICTSM प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम माहिती आणि संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान प्रणाली देखभाल ICTSM साठी एक साधे

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मशीनिस्ट प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

मशिनिस्ट प्रथम वर्ष MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स लिफ्ट आणि एस्केलेटर मेकॅनिकसाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, प्रथम वर्ष, सेमी- 1 आणि 2, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रम , यात अधोरेखित आणि

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फिटर द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

फिटर द्वितीय वर्ष MCQ हे ITI अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स फिटर, द्वितीय वर्ष, सेमी- 3 आणि 4, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे , त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तु

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कंप्युटर ऑपरेटर आणि प्रोग्रामिंग असिस्टंट COPA मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

कंप्युटर ऑपरेटर आणि प्रोग्रामिंग असिस्टंट हे आयटीआय आणि अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रमासाठी संगणक ऑपरेटर आणि प्रोग्रामिंग असिस्टंट , सुधारित NSQF अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आ

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ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल एमसीक्यू हे आयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, सेम- 1,2,3 आणि 4, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रम , ड्राफ्ट्समन मेकॅनिकल. यामध्ये अधोरेखि

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डिझेल मेकॅनिक मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

डिझेल मेकॅनिक मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स मेकॅनिक डिझेल, सेम- 1 आणि 2, 2018 मध्ये 2022 मध्ये NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे. यामध्ये अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह व

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फिटर प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

फिटर प्रथम वर्ष MCQ हे ITI आणि अभियांत्रिकी कोर्स फिटर, प्रथम वर्ष, सेमी- 1 आणि 2, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे , यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उत्तरांसह वस्तुनि

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टर्नर प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टर्नर प्रथम वर्ष हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग कोर्स टर्नर, फर्स्ट ईयर, सेम- 1 और 2, 2022 में संशोधित एनएसक्यू एफ -5 सिलेबस के लिए एक सरल बुक है, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के सा

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टर्नर द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टर्नर द्वितीय वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम टर्नर, द्वितीय वर्ष, सेमी- 3 आणि 4, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQF-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अच

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टर्नर प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ

Books by मनोज डोळे

टर्नर प्रथम वर्ष मराठी MCQ हे आयटीआय अभियांत्रिकी अभ्यासक्रम टर्नर, प्रथम वर्ष, सेमी- 1 आणि 2, 2022 मध्ये सुधारित NSQ F-5 अभ्यासक्रमासाठी एक साधे ई-पुस्तक आहे, त्यात अधोरेखित आणि ठळक अचूक उ

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Books by Manoj Dole

Welder is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Welder. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about gas welding plant and join MS sheet, different type of joints on MS, different types of joints- Fillet ( T-joint, lap & Corner), Butt (Square & V), oxy- acetylene cutting plant and perform different cutting operations on MS plate, welding in different types of MS pipe joints by Gas weldi

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Tool & Die Maker Second Year (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) Dies & Moulds MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) B is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) , Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about operation and programming of CNC turn centre and CNC machining centre to produce components, 2D & 3D machining with CAM software, Manufacture dril

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Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) , Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant English, computer hardware & its peripherals, CONSONANTS & ITS DIRECTION /JOINING THE CONSONANTS, lon

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Refrigeration and Air Condition Technician First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Refrigeration and Air Condition Technician First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Course Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety precautions, marking, sawing, filing, drilling, reaming, taping and dieing etc.

Produce Sheet metal components Identify electrical safety. Join different wire, measure power, currents, vo

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Tool & Die Maker First Year (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) Dies & Moulds MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Tool & Die Maker First Year (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) Dies & Moulds is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) Dies & Moulds , First Year, Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about fitting covering components like filing, sawing, drilling, tapping, chipping, grinding and different fits, tur

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Refrigeration and Air Condition Technician Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Refrigeration and Air Condition Technician Second Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Course Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Carry out servicing, dismantling, checking different parts of different types of commercial compressor, re-placing worn out parts, Check lubrication system. Assemble & check performance. Perform servic

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Mechanic Motor Vehicle Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Motor Vehicle (MMV) B  is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Motor Vehicle (MMV) , Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about light vehicle/Heavy Vehicle transmission units including Gear box, Single plate clutch assembly, Diaphragm clutch assembly , Constant mesh Gear box, synchromesh gear box, gear li

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Plastic Processing Operator

Books by Manoj Dole

Plastic Processing Operator is a simple Book for ITI & Engineering Course Plastic Processing Operator. It contains NSQF revised Syllabus objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, trade tools & its standardization, Familiarize with basic fitting, basic of electricity, identification of plastics, injection moulding and compression moulding, hydraulic c

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Fitter Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Fitter Second Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Fitter, Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Power tool operation, different complex assembling and fitting, fastening, lapping, making gauges, pipe works and pipe joints, Dismantling, overhauling & assembling valves, Making & us

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Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance Second Year ICTSM

Books by Manoj Dole

Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance Second Year ICTSM is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance ICTSM. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, Resistors and Soldering, De-soldering practice,Inductors, measure Inductance and

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Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance B is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM) , Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about welding and gas cutting of metals, hydraulic and pneumatic system with advanced electro and pneumatic circuit making, preventive and breakdown maintenance of milling

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Mechanic Tractor

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Tractor is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Mechanic Tractor. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about measuring instrument and measure dimension of components and evaluate for accuracy, basic electrical, electronics and hydraulics & pneumatics, overhauling of vehicle, use proper fasteners, sheet metal operations and pipe joints, wiring circuits in vehicle and prepar

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Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance A is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM) , First Year, Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety aspect related to trade, basic fitting operation viz., marking, filling, sawing, chiseling, drilling tapping & grinding, different fits viz., sliding, T-fit &

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Mechanic Agricultural Machinery First Year

Books by Manoj Dole

Mechanic Agricultural Machinery First Year is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Agricultural Machinery, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important  about Apply safe working practices in an automotive work shop. Comply environment regulations and housekeeping in the work shop. Perform precision measurements on the componen

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Machinist Grinder Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Machinist Grinder Second Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Lift and Escalator Mechanic, Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about cylindrical and surface grinder, cylindrical bore grinding, cylindrical grinding and honing, finishing angular form, steps, shoulder, compound or double

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Machinist Grinder First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Machinist Grinder First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Lift and Escalator Mechanic, First Year, Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022 It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about basic fitting covering components like filing, sawing, drilling, tapping, chipping, grinding and different fits,turning operations on lathe viz., plain, fa

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Draughtsman Mechanical MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Draughtsman Mechanical MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course, Sem- 1,2,3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, Draughtsman Mechanical. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about geometrical figures using drawing instruments, freehand drawing of machine components in correct proportions, procedure to prepare a drawing sheet as per BIS standard, lear

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Fitter First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Fitter First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Fitter, First Year, Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about sawing, filing, marking, chipping, measurement, riveting, soldering, brazing, drilling, OSH&E, PPE, Fire extinguisher, First Aid and in addition 5S, Sheet Metal, Welding (Gas & Arc) wh

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Turner First Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Turner First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Turner, First Year, Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about basic fitting & different turning including setting of different shaped job on different chucks. The different turning operations – Plain, Facing, Drilling, Boring (counter and stepped) Grooving, Parallel turn

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Turner Second Year MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Turner Second Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Turner, Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQF-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about The machining of different irregular shaped job using different lathe accessories, different utility items viz., Crank Shaft (single throw), Stub arbor, components (male & female) by performing different turning ac

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Computer Operator & Programming Assistant

Books by Manoj Dole

Computer Operator & Programming Assistant is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Computer Operator & Programming Assistant, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers. trade tools, identifies computer peripherals, internal components, basic DOS commands, Windows and Linux in

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Diesel Mechanic MCQ

Books by Manoj Dole

Diesel Mechanic MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Mechanic Diesel, Sem- 1 & 2, NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022 Syllabus in 2018,. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important  about tools & equipment, raw materials, Measuring,  Marking tools, basic fastening and fitting operations, welding joints by using Arc and gas welding, hydraulics and pneumatic

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Central Air Condition Plant Mechanic

Books by Manoj Dole

Central Air Condition Plant Mechanic is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Central Air Condition Plant Mechanic. It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important  about personal safety and machinery safety, manipulating tools, instruments and equipment’s in refrigeration workshop, fitting, sheet metal, air conditioning equipment’s, Split A.C (wal

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Attendant Operator

Books by Manoj Dole

Attendant Operator is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant). It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important  about Hack-sawing, marking, punching, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling, countersinking, counter boring, reaming, Taping, melting point, boiling point, compare properties of metals & alloys, Fire extinguisher, pipe joints,

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