piyush parashari


Applied Numerology

By piyush parashari in Supernatural | Reads: 5,088 | Likes: 1

Applied Numerology This book deals with applied predictive numerology. Numerology is helping science and it gives predictions regarding nature of person very accurately read this book and if your wish to learn or consult numerology ping me on my whatsup number 9359161195 or mail me piyushparashari68  Read More...

Published on Jun 14,2022 08:16 AM

Women studies in India

By piyush parashari in Politics | Reads: 3,712 | Likes: 2

Points to ponder Women studies Topics covered 1.Women and Gender2.Feminist Research Women studies is different frrom gender studies Women studies is interdisciplinary subjectand it is very important for in academics for understandingic problem.In 1893 New Zealand was the first country who give righ  Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2022 08:00 PM

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