Sagar Kumar

Writer, Artist
Writer, Artist

Writing a book was not Sagar's first hobby. Due to some reasons this became a hobby of the Sagar. Since childhood, he has been interested in Hollywood films. He was not like the others. He did not just take entertainment by watching Hollywood movies. He would watch films carefully and try to learn something from them. He has been influenced by many Hollywood movies. Since childhood, various types of fantasies came in his mind, due to which he became a writer.Read More...


लाल अंतरिक्ष का युद्ध

Books by सागर कुमार

एक ऐसा युद्ध जिसने पूरे ब्रह्मांड को झकझोर कर रख दिया। एक ऐसा युद्ध जिसकी वजह से हमारा जन्म हो सका। अगर वह युद्ध नहीं हुआ होता तो हम कभी पैदा ही नहीं होते। यह कहानी उसी युद्ध पर आध

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Room 99

By Sagar Kumar in Mystery | Reads: 4,840 | Likes: 25

Both Arun and Varun brothers were residents of Surat. Both the brothers wandered here and there for many years in search of job but both of them did not get job anywhere. After much effort, both the brothers got a job in the railway station of Mumbai. Both the brothers had come to Mumbai newly and w  Read More...

Published on Jul 2,2022 12:21 PM

कमरा 99

By Sagar Kumar in Mystery | Reads: 7,347 | Likes: 18

अरुण और वरुण दोनों भाई सूरत के रहने वाले थे। दोनों भाई नौकरी की तलाश में कई सालों तक इधर-उधर भटकते रहे लेकिन दोनों क  Read More...

Published on Jul 1,2022 02:07 AM

The Last World War

By Sagar Kumar in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 4,431 | Likes: 15

This story starts from the year 2050 in which World War III happened. The war in which the whole world was destroyed. All the countries in anger dropped their atomic bombs on each other. The earth had been completely destroyed. Millions of people had died. Earth’s atmosphere had deteriorated a  Read More...

Published on Jun 26,2022 05:07 PM

अंतिम विश्व युद्ध

By Sagar Kumar in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 5,594 | Likes: 1

यह कहानी सन् 2050 से शुरू होती है जिस समय तीसरा विश्व युद्ध हुआ था। जिस युद्ध में पूरी दुनिया तबाह हो गई थी। सारे देशों   Read More...

Published on Jun 25,2022 11:59 PM

A Boy with a Magical Watch

By Sagar Kumar in Fantasy | Reads: 4,832 | Likes: 37

There was a boy named Aditya who studied in class 10th. He was very negligent in his life and he was living a life of entertainment. He didn’t care about his life at all. Because there was such a thing on him that gave him everything, whether it was money or any other thing he wanted. That thi  Read More...

Published on Jun 19,2022 06:57 PM

एक जादुई घड़ी वाला लड़का

By Sagar Kumar in Fantasy | Reads: 8,379 | Likes: 40

आदित्य नाम का एक लड़का था जो 10वीं कक्षा में पढ़ता था। वह अपने जीवन में बहुत लापरवाह था और वह मनोरंजन का जीवन जी रहा थ  Read More...

Published on Jun 19,2022 03:02 AM

अजीब उपहार

By Sagar Kumar in Crime Thriller | Reads: 4,901 | Likes: 30

जेमी का कल जन्मदिन था और उसके जन्मदिन के अवसर पर उसकी माँ और उसका नौकर उसके घर पर जन्मदिन की सजावट कर रहे थे। तभी अचा  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 09:58 AM

अँधेरी बस्ती का कुआँ

By Sagar Kumar in Horror | Reads: 7,379 | Likes: 26

नोट: इस कहानी में जो भी घटना घटी है वह काल्पनिक है। भारत में 20 अप्रैल 1995 से एक नया नियम लागू किया गया था। वह नियम कुछ मह  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 02:16 AM

लुप्त टापू

By Sagar Kumar in Mystery | Reads: 6,602 | Likes: 40

यह कहानी एक हवाई जहाज में शुरू होती है। जिसमें 1000 से ज्यादा यात्री बैठे थे। विमान में महिलाएँ, बच्चे, पुरुष, बूढ़े, गर  Read More...

Published on Jun 17,2022 10:24 PM


By Sagar Kumar in Mystery | Reads: 9,441 | Likes: 35

रात के 12:00 बज रहे थे। चारों तरफ सन्नाटा था। सड़क पूरी तरह खाली थी। टोनी नाम का एक टैक्सी ड्राइवर रात के अंधेरे में अपन  Read More...

Published on Jun 17,2022 03:19 AM

The Lost Island

By Sagar Kumar in Science Fiction | Reads: 9,446 | Likes: 43

The Lost Island By Sagar Kumar This story begins with an airplane in which more than 1000 passengers were seated. There were women, children, men, old people, pregnant mothers, poor, rich and all kinds of people on the plane. The main character of the story was sitting on a seat of the plane, whose  Read More...

Published on Jun 15,2022 02:50 PM

The Well of the Dark Colony

By Sagar Kumar in Supernatural | Reads: 4,220 | Likes: 37

The Well of the Dark Colony By Sagar Kumar Note: All the events that took place in this story is a work of friction. A new rule was implemented in India from 20th April 1995. That rule was applied for a few months. Which everyone knew by the name of Dark Hours. The use of electricity was increasing  Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2022 12:30 PM

The Suitcase

By Sagar Kumar in Mystery | Reads: 5,786 | Likes: 45

The Suitcase By Sagar Kumar It was 12:00 in the night. There was silence all around. The road was completely empty. A taxi driver named Tony was slowly going towards his house in his car in the dark of night. He had a black suitcase in his car. He had bought it from the market and it was completely   Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2022 08:32 PM

The Strange Gift

By Sagar Kumar in Crime Thriller | Reads: 4,783 | Likes: 38

Jamie’s birthday was yesterday and on the occasion of his birthday his mother and his servant were making birthday decorations at his house. Then all of a sudden there was the sound of the telephone ringing at 9:30 pm. Jamie picks up the phone and asks, “Hello, who is it?” “H  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2022 02:45 AM

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