Prabhjot Kaur Saini



Planting a Poetry Plant (1st Anniversary Edition)

Books by Prabhjot Kaur Saini

"When a thought is stuck in mind and words in the throat, that's when a poem is born." - Prabhjot Kaur Saini

‘Planting a Poetry Plant' brings out a bunch of rhyming poems of various themes. Written from 2016-2021, this collection contains a gist of the poetess’ development in her earliest years of writing.

This 1st Anniversary Edition reveals a new avatar of the original 'Planting a Poetry Plant', featuring a new

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The Presence

By Prabhjot Kaur Saini in Horror | Reads: 5,948 | Likes: 17

“Please, Mom, can’t we spend this Halloween at home? PLEASE?” Gael begged his mother as she packed up for the family’s trip. “For the last time I’m telling you, we ARE going and you ARE coming.” Mom picked him up to his feet and told him assertively, while s  Read More...

Published on Oct 30,2022 11:18 AM

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