Media Educator and Researcher
Media Educator and Researcher


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Post-Globalisation Media

Books by Editor - Sayan Dey

The mass media are seen today as playing a key role in enhancing globalization, facilitating culture exchange and multiple flows of information and image between countries through international news broadcasts, television programming, new technologies, film and music. This critical work houses most pressing issues post-globalisation of media and draws a provocative discourse on the road ahead. The Edited volume is an attempt to engage and re-engage into schola

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Media Globalisation : Towards Homogeneity or Heterogeneity

Books by Editors- Dr. Irene L, Indira N, Dr. Lalremruati K& Dr. Dheeraj K

Globalization is a process by which various cultures, societies and economies through a global network of trade and communication become integrated in all respects. It basically marks the paradigm shift in economic thinking. During Hellenistic period commercialized urban centers were focused around the Greek culture which stretched from India to Spain. Trade was a very important aspect during that time and for the first time the thought of cosmopolitan culture

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Media sans Frontiers

Books by Editors- Dr. Irene L, Indira N, Dr. Lalremruati K& Dr. Dheeraj K

Technology has disrupted this pattern and along with it the culture of watching together. Viewers, now have the liberty to choose and watch from a plethora of genres from several different OTT platforms and that too at one’s own convenience.  It is no surprise then that the OTT media has grown by 30% in the number of paid subscribers from 22.2 million to 29.0 million between March and July 2020 (IBEF, Knowledge Centre, 2020).

Accumulation of

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Media Culture Society

Books by Editors : Dr. Sayan Dey & Dr. V Ratnamala

This provocative work attempts to encapsulate the essence of 21st century mediated culture and society; its scope and prospects. Further, the edited volume envisages creating a platform to engage and re-engage into the most pressing issues and notions in the domain of post-colonial media, society and culture.

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Musafir Musings

Books by Sayan Dey

Life baffles us with its comprehensiveness of incomprehensibility. The topsy-turvy twists beat even the grandest of cinematic narratives. The myriad of chromes of everyday life creates a metaverse of its own; of magic, moments and memories. But it gets the mojo out of each one us, to celebrate this privileged life through light and love. 

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Media and Marginality

Books by Chief Editors : Dr. Sayan Dey And Dr. V Ratnamala

In 21st Century, Media has proven to be the most powerful entity under the sun. The omnipotent and omnipresent media has influenced every sphere of human sustenance- from society to culture, from politics to economics. The ever dynamic domain has given rise to many new phenomena and notions to galore. The New Media and tech driven communication has also ushered in a plethora of possibilities to explore. The Digital Media has set up complete newer approaches of

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The Dawn of Love

By SAYAN DEY in Romance | Reads: 6,533 | Likes: 14

Part I  And he refreshed the home screen! A red dot flashed in the friend-zone! Another one, he just thought and ignored.His mind and heart filled with a smiling face, ponytails, embroidered Patiala! All he could think was the moment she stood up and responded the attendance call! Actually the  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 10:51 AM

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