Dr Shivendra Singh

Assistant Professor having vast experience in synthetic organic chemistry and spectroscopy
Assistant Professor having vast experience in synthetic organic chemistry and spectroscopy



Books by Dr. Shivendra Singh

The main purpose of this book is to provide an easy understanding of common named reactions to students. The overall content of this book is presented in such a way that students can easily understand the named reactions and their mechanisms. We have also included relevant examples from research articles with proper citations. 75 crucial named reactions with their mechanism are described in this book.

The book will be helpful for B.Sc. (Chemistry) and

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The Lions of Katauli

Books by Mr. Dharmraaj Singh Baghel And Dr. Shivendra Singh

The book is about the Baghel family of village Katauli, Singrauli district (Madhya Pradesh). The main motive of this book is to provide the brief knowledge of our ancestors to the coming generation or even the present generation can able to understand who we are and what was the short history of Baghel rajpoots of Katauli village? 

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