Souvik Kansal

An author, and he has a YouTube Channel, Everyday Drawings
An author, and he has a YouTube Channel, Everyday Drawings

Souvik Kansal was born at Punjab. He is 11 years old. He studies in the 7th class. He lives now with his parents in Gurgaon. He is also a very good painter. Souvik also maintains and co-owns a YouTube Channel with his mother, Everyday Drawings.Read More...


A Door That Leads To Future and Other Stories

Books by Souvik Kansal

The book contains short stories as well as long stories. Each of the stories teaches us a new lesson and inspires us.

Some of the charming stories, in this book are -

1. Adventures In Jammu And Kashmir (Vaishno Devi) Of Taniya, Tanul And Aditya

2. Savakiava's Dream House With A Farm For Animals

3.Taskalalea Can Talk With Animals!!! As well As Animals Can Talk To Him!

4. The Fearful Storm Of Bermuda Triangle To An Unkown

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Childhood Pack Of Stories

Books by Souvik Kansal

This is entirely a work of fiction and the Author has used his imagination in coming up with Childhood Pack of Stories 

Some of the Imaginative Stories Include-
Rain of Fanta
Transfers to Australia 
A Magical laptop and chess
Adventures in a comestible land
A Cricket match with aliens
The Emoji's Land
Four Magical Houses
The Five Brothers

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Taskalalea Can Talk To Animals!!! As well as Animals Can Talk To Him!

By Souvik Kansal in Adventure | Reads: 5,855 | Likes: 16

Once there was a boy named Taskalalea. He was curious to learn about everything, especially about nature and animals. His parents were always vexed about Taskalalea. Also, If Taskalalea changed his name, his parents will be angry He always dreamt that how animals live their lives and how they talk.   Read More...

Published on Oct 5,2022 11:09 AM

The Five Brothers

By Souvik Kansal in Adventure | Reads: 5,082 | Likes: 8

Once upon a time in a village, a fisherman lived with his five sons. The sons' names were Harry, Rob, Chiku, Laska, and Alex. The fisherman was very poor. He caught fish and sold them and got some money and bought food for himself and the sons he was having. When the fisherman came back to his home   Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2022 10:47 AM

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