

The King who later conquered the world.

Books by Aarush P. Jawade

This book is part 2 and in this book the boy who in last became a king and suddenly there was a drought in Dharmarajya. The king finds the solution and then followed by some events which led King yoda to the conquering of the whole world.

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From a boy to the king of whole country

Books by Aarush P. Jawade

This book is about a boy who is looking out for proffessions to choose for himself finds out the being a knight is good so he does hardwork to accoplish this and about his succession in his work.

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By Aarush in Crime Thriller | Reads: 4,041 | Likes: 7

In the city of Ohio There was a very rich man named Jackson he lived alone and had none to inhert his great fortune. Jackson had a great bunglow which he decorated with all his might and made it like and exibitary. He rented his bunglow for marriages and many functions. there was a gang which just f  Read More...

Published on Jun 12,2022 11:07 AM

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