
Simply human
Simply human


My Trip

By Rudra in Adventure | Reads: 1,749 | Likes: 3

I was simultaneously thrilled and upset because I had to miss the game, but I was also glad since I would be starting my trip to DIU tomorrow. My mother shouted, "Hey, Rahul, hurry here right away." I slept despite having many worries, asumming what else could go wrong: first, my best friend abando  Read More...

Published on Oct 29,2022 11:19 AM

Wall with memories

By Rudra in Life Journey | Reads: 3,205 | Likes: 14

Get out of here you brat, let the costumer buy mine product seeing ugly you we are losing customers, manager abuses, it was bent poor man had worn tore out Rama shirt with a boxer pants, without reacting just walked out towards a lonely street, behind a gleaming Rolls-Royce was following him, the ma  Read More...

Published on Jul 2,2022 08:57 PM

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