Kirti Bhatnagar


Kirti Bhatnagar is working in corporate company in Gurgaon. She belongs from District Rohtak (Haryana). She is graduated in Science and Post Graduate in Master in Management Studies. She loves to play sports : Table Tennis, Swimming, Marshal Art. She is Gold medalist in Takkwondo in Open State Championship. Leaned Kathak Dance from Prachin Kala Kendra (Chandigrah). She loves to sing and listening music. Read More...



Books by Kirti Bhatnagar

This book unfolds a genuine human narrative, blending the peaks of imagination with the journey of self-discovery through hard-fought battles. It delves into the realms of profound love, navigating through the challenging landscapes of depression, overwhelming emotions, and the transformative shift in mindset. Targeting the youth of today, the author, a young individual herself, addresses those grappling with personal experiences, offering inspiration for embr

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Books by Kirti Bhatnagar

This book unfolds a genuine human narrative, blending the peaks of imagination with the journey of self-discovery through hard-fought battles. It delves into the realms of profound love, navigating through the challenging landscapes of depression, overwhelming emotions, and the transformative shift in mindset. Targeting the youth of today, the author, a young individual herself, addresses those grappling with personal experiences, offering inspiration for embr

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A little life in Dark

By Kirti Bhatnagar in Crime Thriller | Reads: 9,264 | Likes: 63

All of us are born with the powers of the Universe that determine our body, our soul, and our sex. Despite that, we made it very dirty with the screams of a child who asks God every second: Why do babies die before birth? Why does this world have so many obligations for girls, even after birth? Most  Read More...

Published on Jul 5,2022 11:15 PM

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