Rithik Vishvaraj

Writer and Director
Writer and Director


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Gravito-Electro-Magneto Effect

Books by M. H. Rithik Vishvaraj

"Gravito-Electro-Magneto Effect: Exploring GEM Constants" takes readers on an exhilarating journey into the realm of theoretical physics, unveiling the intricacies of a groundbreaking concept — the GEM constants. This book delves into the uncharted territories where gravitational, electromagnetic, and magnetic forces converge, offering a unique perspective on the fundamental nature of the universe.

From macroscopic to microscopic scales, the book

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அவதாரின் விஷ்வரூபங்கள்

Books by ரித்திக் விஷ்வராஜ்

"அவதரின் விஸ்வரூபங்கள்" எம்.எச். ரித்திக் விஸ்வராஜ் என்பது சேர, சோழ, பாண்டிய நாடுகளின் கம்பீரமான பேரரசுகளை ஆழமாக ஆராய்வதற்கான ஒரு அற்புதமான வரலாற்று புனைகதை நாவல் ஆகும். வி

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Books by M. H. Rithik Vishvaraj

"Avatarin Vishvaroopangal" by M.H. Rithik Vishvaraj is an enthralling historical fiction novel that delves deep into the majestic empires of Chera, Chola, and Pandya. With meticulous attention to detail and a passion for historical accuracy, Vishvaraj paints a vivid portrait of the bygone era, bringing to life the splendor, conflicts, and triumphs of these mighty kingdoms.

Step into the past and embark on a captivating journey through time as the autho

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Marva Varma.

Books by Rithik Vishvaraj M H

A fearless CRIMINAL LAWYER stuck in DEJA VU and a mind-blower criminal police officer stuck in a TIME LOOP. The criminal lawyer wants to make more SUPERSTITIONS in his life to survive his life and the criminal police officer wants to make some changes to the superstition practiced by the criminal lawyer to escape from a GREAT THREAT.

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Books by Rithik Vishvaraj M H

This is a story that replicates the love that you give to your loved ones. The story is not only a love story of the couple. It shares the story of all love from creatures in this world. If all the organisms in this world have six senses then they share their love for each other. Please understand the power, the strength of love, because it states the bonding and relationship. The book contains multi-level languages in India. Tamil,Kannada,Telugu,Hindi,Malayal

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A Waiting Love

By Rithik Vishvaraj in True Story | Reads: 2,524 | Likes: 1

Once upon a time in Kodaikanal, there was a child called Charan. He always asks about his father because when he was born, only his mother take care of him. But his mother didn't tell him about his father. So every child comes with their father, but he alone comes with his mother. 25 YEARS BEFORE, C  Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2022 02:32 PM

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