Kat Lami

Gamboge Gateway

By Kat Lami in Science Fiction | Reads: 2,335 | Likes: 1

'It’s finally time for my goodbyes’, was the thought that first came to my mind as my eyes read the intimation sent to me. As I shared the news of the approval of my ‘Long Travel Visa’, (LTV as it was called), with my family and friends, more commiserations than congratulati  Read More...

Published on Jun 15,2022 01:10 PM

Eyrie Peak

By Kat Lami in Fantasy | Reads: 2,315 | Likes: 0

EYRIE PEAK My mother says I’m a restless soul. My father calls me a good-for-nothing lazy ass. My friends know me as a jolly good fellow. None of this matters. What matters is what I call myself. If I knew that, I wouldn’t be hiking up the hill, looking at my map and wondering if I would  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2022 11:27 PM

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