Vinamra Dhoot


The Treasure

Books by Vinamra Dhoot

There are two UGLY men named EWEN and RUDY. They both have been HOMELESS until they find a TREASURE on an UNKNOWN ISLAND. However, they have to face a lot of problems to find this treasure. In this adventure they also have to face their greatest FEAR and do all types of things that they wished they never did.

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By Vinamra Dhoot in Fantasy | Reads: 3,246 | Likes: 7

    It was a thunderous evening. Rain poured from the gray clouds that hovered above a tall house. The house had a wooden roof which resembled a witch’s hat. In this house lived rich and arrogant humans. The house belonged to the Bird family. The same night Mrs. Bird gave birth to a   Read More...

Published on Oct 19,2022 06:51 PM

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