Emmie Kinasha

Exploring the world through the magic of words
Exploring the world through the magic of words

With you, Forever

By Emmie Kinasha in Life Journey | Reads: 3,931 | Likes: 13

I The sky was blue, just like the colour of her pinafore; The sun warm and bright, just like the smile on her face. She was happy, but she should be, for it was her first day of school! Accompanied by her mom with a school bag much bigger than her, she stood on the first steps of her new school. So   Read More...

Published on Jun 20,2022 08:03 PM

Back Home

By Emmie Kinasha in Romance | Reads: 3,569 | Likes: 7

The evening was calm. You could hear the birds going back to their homes. The sound of happiness of having a home to go back to, I guess. My Harrier was parked next to the empty swing. You could say it was a little too into the pavement. But it didn't matter. Noone was there. "If the sun were a bit   Read More...

Published on Jun 20,2022 07:44 PM

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