Shining Star




Books by Shining Star

The closer man was in the wake of time his philosophy of living was that of God: the love, human being: the spirit and, soul: the bond. After he was unchallengeable, unfeigned and humane, his journey, vital disappearance, his enticement and his anticipation became inverse and full of controversy. ‘Grandpa’ narrates experiences of such happenings that took thousands of years in a short life of a man who acquired the title ‘Grandpa’. The

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Disclosure of a Masterpiece

Books by Shining Star

The book is written in light of things that happened in a strange and particular way. When compared to any events that happened in the world, the thing described in the book is beyond anything else. It is a true event and, experienced in reality by the concern person. Such paculiar event must be revealed to the people. People should be let known.

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Story of how 'Disclosure of a Masterpiece' is made

By Shining Star in Historical | Reads: 1,589 | Likes: 1

           There is a story regarding the cover of the book "Disclosure of a Masterpiece ''. It is to say that when one closes one's eyes it is completely dark and nothing can be seen. But, that is not exactly the truth and things that are to be  Read More...

Published on Oct 30,2022 12:35 AM

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