Irshad Mushtaq

Irshad Mushtaq is from a small village in Baramulla of Kashmir valley. He got his primary education from his native school and having completed his secondary education from the same place he went to University of Kashmir for pursuing masters in Econo
Irshad Mushtaq is from a small village in Baramulla of Kashmir valley. He got his primary education from his native school and having completed his secondary education from the same place he went to University of Kashmir for pursuing masters in Econo


Can Of Worms

Books by Irshad Mushtaq

The book "CAN OF WORMS" describes artfully the tragedy of a promised land. The struggle with the life and cacophony of environs. The book is loaded with stunning poems of rigorousness and accuracy. In it are verses of an ardent poet which gives the book a more amusing trace.

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