
Content writer, Novelist
Content writer, Novelist

Hello everyone out there! This is Nithya. A left-out part of a star, searching for every shimmering perfection in this wish-granting universe. She's been landed in the profession as a content writer to cherish the future with technical rhymes. she is cruising every second of life thanking those twinkling orbs through short stories, blogs, novels, and artistic pieces.Read More...

Till Eternity

By Nithya in Romance | Reads: 2,463 | Likes: 1

The clock chimed at 9.00 pm such that every ding and dong resonated with the alternate horn beeps of Chennai Saturday night traffic. The cool breeze filled with the expectations of Sunday circulated through the living room of Nitish's residence. The monthly calendar hung over the main wall beside   Read More...

Published on Jul 1,2022 10:26 PM

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