Nitin Sharma

A Writer with keen interest in topic like suspense, thrill, action, mystery, adventure, Horror and investigation. Expert in writing interesting and entertaining stories.
A Writer with keen interest in topic like suspense, thrill, action, mystery, adventure, Horror and investigation. Expert in writing interesting and entertaining stories.

A Writer with keen interest in topic like suspense, thrill, action, mystery, adventure, Horror and investigation. Expert in writing interesting and entertaining stories, With Indian culture and nationalist ideology. Highly analytical and logic oriented in approach with strong ability to adapt and handle risk operating outside comfort zone.Read More...

भारत राष्ट्र- दुर्दशा की कहानी

By Nitin Sharma in Indian History | Reads: 4,398 | Likes: 3

भारत राष्ट्र- दुर्दशा की कहानी पुराने समय की बात है . एक परिवार था . काफी सम्पन्न और ख़ुशहाल. इस परिवार की मुखिया थी    Read More...

Published on Jul 1,2022 01:08 PM

अँधा बाबा

By Nitin Sharma in Romance | Reads: 4,361 | Likes: 3

“उसका नाम आदित्य था।” डाक्टर रेखा ने ये बात कही। आदित्य का नाम सुन प्रिया में दिमाग में परमाणु विस्फोट हुआ। ‘आ  Read More...

Published on Jun 29,2022 12:20 PM

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