
Writer. Reader. Observer.
Writer. Reader. Observer.

Writing a best seller called Life.

The Epitaph

By Gee in Horror | Reads: 3,888 | Likes: 2

Like a shadow or a constant companion, in happiness or in adversity, wherever he went, it followed him. He could feel 'IT', touch 'IT' , curse at 'IT' but it just would not leave him alone, ever. He glanced at his watch- 6 AM. It had snowed all week but he woke up to view of a clear sky today. The m  Read More...

Published on Jul 10,2022 09:35 PM

ज़िन्दगी "२ बटा २

By Gee in Life Journey | Reads: 5,975 | Likes: 5

"कहते है दमा दम के साथ ही जाता है ये गारंटी है ,पर दम कब निकलेगा, ये मालूम नहीं ". इल्ताफ़ आलम हुक्के का कश मारते हुए अपन  Read More...

Published on Jul 9,2022 10:59 PM

देह से परे

By Gee in Romance | Reads: 6,336 | Likes: 6

    ज़िन्दगी की पथरीली राहों में नितांत अकेले चलते अगर कोई ऐसा मिल जाए जिस से दिल के तार एकदम जुड़ जाएँ, तो हम सौ   Read More...

Published on Jul 9,2022 09:22 PM

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