Mohmod Irfan Shah

Mohmod Irfan Shah is a student pursuing B.E Civil Engineering from SSM College of Engineering, parihaspora pattan. He has been fond of writing since childhood. He is a Columnist, poet and co-author of three anthologies.
Mohmod Irfan Shah is a student pursuing B.E Civil Engineering from SSM College of Engineering, parihaspora pattan. He has been fond of writing since childhood. He is a Columnist, poet and co-author of three anthologies.

Mohmod Irfan Shah is a student pursuing B.E Civil Engineering from SSM College of Engineering, parihaspora pattan. He has been fond of writing since childhood. He is a Columnist, poet and co-author of three anthologies. After more than one year of penning articles for the local daily newspapers of Jammu and Kashmir, Mohmod Irfan Shah has acquired a particularly  declarative  voice that comes through  his most recent collection of articles exploring social and mental trauma in today's era.Read More...


Surviving the Apocalyptic Society

Books by Mohmod Irfan Shah

This book presents a sophisticated response to the question of what constitutes social problems and mental health deterioration, with thirteen different entries giving a range of perspectives on the central problem issues of our generation. It also includes the author's personal experience and how he managed his stressed life in today's society. It also provides valuable suggestions for social issues and mental health. The topics cover areas of concern conn

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