
Being kind is to be human

By Blessy in General Literary | Reads: 358 | Likes: 0

It is snowing heavily. I run and take shelter under a thin sheet on the other side of the road. There are three other people already taking shelter under the sheet. They are not too pleased to see me because the sheet is not very broad to accommodate all of us but still they adjust. It is late in th  Read More...

Published on Apr 1,2020 04:14 PM

A mother’s choice

By Blessy in Crime | Reads: 816 | Likes: 0

I love my job as my job as a reporter is to find new informations and report them. Now as I sit waiting for the report of my mother at the clinic I see a woman maybe in her 50s sitting next to me. The reporter in me comes alive and I start chatting with her asking about why is she in the clinic, but  Read More...

Published on Mar 30,2020 11:56 AM

Proud to be a woman

By Blessy in Poetry | Reads: 666 | Likes: 0

Even when she is broken and shattered she still strives She rises up from the ashes like a phoenix into the sky Nobody can stop her Who has the power to bring her down She might not be good at everything but then  neither are we She was made to stand amongst us And there should be no other way   Read More...

Published on Mar 28,2020 10:15 PM

I don’t want to but; I have to...

By Blessy in Romance | Reads: 3,605 | Likes: 0

" I think this is not correct Aura, you sleep over this. This is not a decision to take so fast and neither should you do it alone. You are a married lady, you have a loving husband. You need to at least inform him about your ailment and take a decision together Aura." Shawn my doctor kept insisting  Read More...

Published on Mar 28,2020 01:19 PM

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