Kanishka Goli


The Price Of Truth

Books by Kanishka Goli

Life may throw hard challenges at you, but all you have to do is solve it. Not in the hardest way possible, maybe find a simpler way. Some questions may remain unanswered, but if you want to make a change, then you have to step up and face any challenges ahead of you.

Read the fascinating journey of a girl named Razel who faces the same situations in life. The choices she had to make in life and the price she paid to discover the truth and save ev

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Life Expeditions

Books by Kanishka Goli

This story enrols the play of a girl named Luna and her crazy life. There are so many tips and turns in her life. She hadn't met her parents for more than 12 years. The circumstances she faces to meet her parents, the way all re - unite, all of these are mentioned in this book. There are also many mood swings. 

All emotions are shown in this book. If you are a fiction lover, expeditions lover, jorney lover, or a family drama lover, then this book

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Chajju ’s Journey and the Taurus birth sign hidden message

Books by Kanishka Goli

This book had been inspired from natural experiances and incidents. It had been a wonderful journey writing this book. The auther mostly wanted to concentrate on the main things that harm nature. This book is a journey of a boy named Chajju and how he faces his birth and lived up in the society.

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The Rule Over India

By Kanishka Goli in Historical | Reads: 3,190 | Likes: 0

The rule over India These are not stories or rumours but the truth. Some people believe that India under British rule for approximately 200 years is fake and is a rumour. But it’s not. Every Indian should believe in this as more than 35,000,000 people died due to the rule and all were Indians.  Read More...

Published on Oct 18,2022 03:28 PM

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