Daksh Acharya



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Lord Shiva

Books by Daksh . P . Acharya

Lord Shiva an ultimate Adiyogi is a book of lord Shiva's amazing stories. It comprises of 22 chapters in which the stories are described in very short way. From Shiva's birth to jyotirlings.

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A hero of Ancient Britain

By Daksh Acharya in Historical | Reads: 2,262 | Likes: 1

       A HERO OF ANCIENT BRITAIN Part 1 There was a time, many years ago, when this England of ours was a savage country. The oldest stories that we read about our island happened so long ago, that the English had not yet come to the land where we live. In those days, the country  Read More...

Published on Oct 12,2022 09:19 PM

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