Vaibhav Wagh



A Boy with Dreams

Books by Vaibhav Wagh

It’s a story of a 15-year-old boy who grew up in poverty. 

It’s a story about being resilient in the face of adversity.

It’s about inspiring people to become the strongest version of themselves.

The tale is divided into 36 chapters.

It depicts the childhood and adolescence of Vijay. 

You will see the world through the eyes of a child who must do odd jobs to meet ends. 

The story u

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By Vaibhav Wagh in Fantasy | Reads: 1,877 | Likes: 0

It's the summer holidays, which means No school. Most of my classmates have joined the MSCIT course to learn computers. I don't know how to start that thing (computer), but I will someday. Few joined swimming classes, and some joined the gym. I want to do all these things. But there is a big differe  Read More...

Published on Oct 4,2022 08:21 PM

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