Surya Saxena

My name is Surya, and I will take you through the stories of Twisted and crazy love. Which is not usual and can not be found everywhere.
My name is Surya, and I will take you through the stories of Twisted and crazy love. Which is not usual and can not be found everywhere.


मेरे लेख

Books by सूर्या सक्सेना

मैं यह पुस्तक समर्पित करता हूं उन लोगों को जिनकी बदौलत आज ये सब लिखना मुमकिन हो पाया जिन्होंने मुझे ऐसे हालात दिखाएं जिन्होंने मुझे उन से बाहर निकाला जिनके लिए कुछ महसूस हुआ जिन

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The Last Good-bye

By Surya Saxena in Romance | Reads: 5,103 | Likes: 197

Rahul is a young man. He is sitting at a restaurant. The restaurant is near a beach. He is waiting for someone. Have you ever felt the feeling of meeting someone for the first time and expressing all your feelings and just waiting for them to have their one look for the first time? You are waiting f  Read More...

Published on Oct 4,2022 02:30 PM

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