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Unlocking Big Ticket Insurance And Mutual Funds Sales

Books by Randhir Khajanchand Bhalla

India is currently in an enviable position, buoyed by a stable government, prudent economic policies, and a youthful demographic, drawing global attention and high expectations.

The momentum seems unstoppable, and the message is unequivocal: overlooking equity investment for at least a decade could be a significant oversight.

For insurance agents, this is a pivotal moment to diversify their portfolio to include financial pro

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अनलॉकिंग बिग टिकट इन्शुरन्स एंड म्यूच्यूअल फंड्स सेल्स

Books by रणधीर भल्ला

किताब के बारे में

भारत वर्तमान में एक मजबूत स्थिति में है, एक स्थिर सरकार, विवेकपूर्ण आर्थिक नीतियों और एक युवा जनसांख्यिकीय द्वारा उत्साहित है, जो वैश्विक ध्यान और उच्च

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एक मिलियन डॉलर कैसे कमाएँ ? - अर्थव्यवस्था कितनी भी खराब क्यों न हो

Books by रणधीर भल्ला

किताब के बारे में

यह पुस्तक पाठकों को एक खेल बदलने वाले (game changing) अवसर से परिचित कराती है। लेखक का मानना है कि यह समय छोटे व्यवसायों को बेचने से आगे बढ़ने और बिग टिकट उत्पाद

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How to make a million dollars

Books by Randhir Bhalla

About the book

This book introduce to the readers a game-changing opportunity. The Author believes it's time to move forward from selling small businesses and embrace the world of Big Ticket Products. The author suggests a revolutionary approach by focussing on providing solutions rather than simply selling products. This transformative book will not only position you as an authority or expert, but also change your life.


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सेल्ल बिग इन्शुरन्स टू अननोन फेरारी ओनर्स (हिंदी में)

Books by रणधीर भल्ला

         स्वप्न सच हो गया

अधिकांश बीमा सलाहकारों के लिए, एचएनआई को बड़ी-टिकट वाली बीमा पॉलिसियां ​​बेचना एक स्वप्न बना हुआ है क्योंकि उन्हें समझ में नहीं आता कि उनसे क्

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Sell Big Insurance To Unknown Ferrari Owners

Books by Randhir Khajanchand Bhalla

               A Dream Come True

For most insurance advisors, selling big-ticket insurance to HNIs (High Net Worth Individuals) remains a dream because they don't understand WHY and HOW to meet with them and deliver something they will find difficult to turn down.

The book offers strategies for relieving the fears of insurance salespeople thereby helping them to fulfill their lifelong dre

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