Dr. Manorath Dahal

Manorath Dahal, presently working as an Assistant Professor in State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Sikkim under the umbrella of Education Department.
Manorath Dahal, presently working as an Assistant Professor in State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Sikkim under the umbrella of Education Department.

1. Name: Dr. Manorath Dahal 2. Father/Mother’s Name: Shri Tulshiram and Lilamaya Dahal 3. Birth Place: Sang Namgaythang Block, East Sikkim. 4. Date of Birth: Jan.26th 1966. 5. Academic Qualification: M.A. PGCTE (English), M.A. (Nepali), M.A. (Education) M.Ed. PhD in Education. 6. National Seminar Presentation: More than 25 national level seminar presentations 7. International Seminar presentation: 05 paper presentation in different venues. 8. Rewards: Youth Ambassador for Peace by International Peace Foundation, UNO. 9. Associated with: The Divine Life Society, Sikkim Chapter as Secretary, TRead More...



Books by Dr. Manorath Dahal

Everybody wants good quality of books to read for making minds brighter.  In order to make the sense clear the author started writing Action Research book since 2011 to aware the teaching fraternity to practice the same in positive manner in classroom teaching learning. In fact, it is a demand globally to have value-based education in our society to achieve global system of Education. High quality life-oriented education is of central importance to the cr

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