Isha Pandey


By Isha Pandey in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 1,757 | Likes: 1

Heard a word today, "attachment" Well, we all have heard it many times.But today a friend of mine told me that "Attachment is injurious to health" Did it really be true or not? I think this is totally wrong ,In this world if we are happy or living together in a family, there is emotion for everyone   Read More...

Published on Oct 13,2022 01:08 AM

Is the past our shadow

By Isha Pandey in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 2,461 | Likes: 93

Past We all know about it: because everyone has it Because one who moves with time has a past of his own. But yes it is not at all necessary that your past should be like this or it is bad.  Come on, today I tell you,After all, what happens because of which our past becomes memorable or bad and  Read More...

Published on Oct 12,2022 12:33 AM

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