
The Assassin's Daughter

By Rayna in Adventure | Reads: 1,996 | Likes: 6

Kurt and Rachel watched the mansion burn before their eyes. Rachel's dark eyes were watering from the smoke and she adjusted the mask on her face to block it out. Kurt, as usual, seemed unaffected by earthly bothers. His face was lost in his hooded cloak, very few people knew what he looked like. So  Read More...

Published on Oct 5,2022 02:34 PM

Azeria Silverspell

By Rayna in Fantasy | Reads: 3,404 | Likes: 4

Azeria sat by herself during her classes. She made herself invisible during recess. When the other young witches learnt how to turn a frog into a pebble, she sneaked off to the back and let it hop out the window. Thankfully, no one noticed today. At lunch break, the same day, Kaida and her gang's sh  Read More...

Published on Oct 2,2022 08:08 PM

A Ghost's Love

By Rayna in Romance | Reads: 5,471 | Likes: 27

I felt the winter sun’s bright embrace on my face, I wriggled around to cover my toes and snuggled my face into my pillow, unwilling to open my eyes. I heard the door creak open and a loud ‘MEOW!’. There was a thump as a rather plump cat jumped onto my bed. I felt a whiskered face   Read More...

Published on Sep 30,2022 08:04 PM

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