Anoushka Sabnis

Anoushka Sabnis is an award-winning teenage author & poet based out of Delhi-NCR. She is also the Founder of Biblioverse ( - a community for young readers & writers
Anoushka Sabnis is an award-winning teenage author & poet based out of Delhi-NCR. She is also the Founder of Biblioverse ( - a community for young readers & writers

A Bottle of Achaar

By Anoushka Sabnis in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 5,166 | Likes: 12

A mother scurried down dimly-lit gullies, masks making her face slick with sweat. She rapped on the door. Her little girl greeted her with a sunshine smile. However, the girl heard sounds. They scarred her ears and pierced her heart. Sounds of pain, of suffering - and she heard them everyday. &ldq  Read More...

Published on Oct 12,2022 06:27 PM

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