Srajan Arela

Writer , Poet , Novelist and Student
Writer , Poet , Novelist and Student

Hi , Myself Srajan Arela I am Young Author and I am in High School. I am Writer , Short Story Writer , Poet , Novelist ,Entrepreneur of Tomorrow India and last not least a Young  Calm-Enthusiastic Citizen of the Bharat .  Read More...

The Last Two Selfies

By Srajan Arela in Science Fiction | Reads: 2,072 | Likes: 0

(Word Meaning in Last)          Now 2872 century , the none of them on the Blue planet . Nobody knows where they gone , escaped from blue planet or free it from their torture .          “ Dono , you are mission to check out that planet and try   Read More...

Published on Oct 16,2022 09:33 PM

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