Sandip CHatterjee


Love Beyond Lifetime

Books by Sandip Chatterjee

This collection of short stories consists of five heart-wrenching love stories. All stories are fictional though inspired by true Love. These stories will take you on a new journey where you will experience Love Beyond Lifetime.

Cheers to Love!!!

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The Incomplete Painting

By Sandip CHatterjee in Romance | Reads: 2,218 | Likes: 0

The theory class for Fine Arts always bored him till the point of falling asleep. He always bunked those classes and take a direct auto from BHU gate to the Assi ghat. Then have a special tea at pappu tea shop and head towards the ghats. It was a cloudy afternoon with soothing breeze and Aman Patel   Read More...

Published on Oct 25,2022 09:21 PM

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