Author & Writer
Author & Writer

Abhijit Debnath (Graduate Teacher)   He was born on 11th November 1991. Father Mr. Sudhir Debnath, Mother Mrs. Chaya Rani Debnath. He was born in a very low middle class family. He was a very talented student from childhood but due to family illness and lack of finances, his studies were not very good. Passed second division in secondary and higher secondary examination. He later completed his Bachelor's degree with Honors in Education from "Dasharath Deb Memorial College" and his Master's degree in Education from "Tripura University". Then he graduated from "Pandit Raghunath Murmu Teachers TRead More...



Books by অভিজিৎ দেবনাথ

ছবিমুড়া (দেবতামুরা), ত্রিপুরা: পর্যটন গন্তব্য দ্বারা ভারতের আমাজন ছবিমুড়া বা চোবিমুরা (দেবতামুরা) ভারতের ত্রিপুরা রাজ্যে গোমতী নদীর তীরে খাড়া পাহাড়ের দেয়ালে পাথর খোদাই ক

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