
Reader and Writer in Personal Growth Space
Reader and Writer in Personal Growth Space

Mindset Reading is a well-known book brand on social media. His book recommendations, reviews, and reading tips helped many peoples. Mindset Reading got over 300k+ followers across social media, If you want to join the community. Visit mindsetreading.com to learn more.Read More...


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100 Stoic Rules That Will Change The Way You Think

Books by Modern Sage

How can you live a good life?

There’s only one solution to this question “Stoicism”. It teaches you how to live a good and peaceful life.

If we just follow the rules of stoics our lives will be more simpler and happier.

Our life is what our thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius

The goal of life is living in agreement with Nature. - Zeno


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100 Stoic Rules That Will Change The Way You Think

Books by Modern Sage

How can you live a good life?

There’s only one solution to this question “Stoicism”. It teaches you how to live a good and peaceful life.

If we just follow the rules of stoics our lives will be more simpler and happier.

Our life is what our thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius

The goal of life is living in agreement with Nature. - Zeno


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100 Lessons That Will Change Your Mindset

Books by Mindset Reading

The right mindset is much needed when you are ready to achieve your goals. 

This book will help you build a positive mindset to work on your goals and achieve them faster.

It will help you in:

- Discipline
- Focus
- Motivation
- Thinking
- Mindset

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar

"The safest way to get what you want is to dese

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100 Lessons To Learn In Your 20s

Books by Mindset Reading

This book is specially designed for people who are in their twenties. You'll find lessons from successful people who have faced many obstacles in their lives and achieved greatness.

It's a collection of 100 lessons handpicked by Mindset Reading, who have read over 200+ books about business, life, psychology, spirituality, and growth mindset. 

You'll find lessons like:

“Your choices are made in a moment, but their conse

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Master Your Mindset

Books by Mindset Reading

Everything depends on your mindset. How you feel, think, and act It all depends on your mindset. It’s necessary to have the right mindset in the world where everyone first thinks for themselves.

In this book, you will learn and understand how to Master Your Mindset, based on my experience and learning through the years, I have put down some tips and understanding about these topics.

If you're confused about:

• W

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100 Lessons That Will Change Your Mindset

Books by Mindset Reading

The right mindset is much needed when you are ready to achieve your goals. 

This book will help you build a positive mindset to work on your goals and achieve them faster.

It will help you in:

- Discipline
- Focus
- Motivation
- Thinking
- Mindset

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar

"The safest way to get what you want is to dese

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5 Minute Mindset Journal

Books by Mindset Reading

5-Minute Mindset Journal

Change your habits in just a few minutes a day.

This journal is designed for everyone wanting to change their life, It focuses in these main areas in life:





Take action to change your life!

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100 Lessons To Learn In Your 20s

Books by Mindset Reading

This book is specially designed for people who are in their twenties. You'll find lessons from successful people who have faced many obstacles in their lives and achieved greatness.

It's a collection of 100 lessons handpicked by Mindset Reading, who have read over 200+ books about business, life, psychology, spirituality, and growth mindset. 

You'll find lessons like:

“Your choices are made in a moment, but their conse

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