Gaurav Shakya

Gaurav Shakya, A person who writes always. Whenever he becomes sad or happy. Never stop writing poems and self experience based articles.My first debut book is "A soul in the Moon".Gaurav shakya
Gaurav Shakya, A person who writes always. Whenever he becomes sad or happy. Never stop writing poems and self experience based articles.My first debut book is "A soul in the Moon".Gaurav shakya

Gaurav Shakya, A person who writes always. Whenever he becomes sad or happy. Never stop writing poems and self experience based articles.My first debut book is "A soul in the Moon".Gaurav shakyaRead More...


एक रूह चांद पर

Books by गौरव शाक्य

यह किताब अंदर से एक भावना है और खास तौर पर 13 से 25,26,27... साल के लोगों के लिए लिखी गई है।

किताब में काफी कुछ दिल को छूने वाले प्रसंग तथा कुछ कविताओं के साथ लिखित एक दिल का गुब्बार है।

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A soul in the Moon

Books by Gaurav Shakya

This book is an emotion from inside and specially written for 13  to 25,26,27... Years old people.
‌The book has some relatable touch.
‌ The book has some emotional touch
‌ The book has some poems
‌ The book has a love story
‌ The book has loneliness 
Those ones who feel love and not having them.
Those ones who like to live alone
Those ones who like night more than the day
It tells who stay

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