
Brush Up on Your Phrasal Verbs and Expressions


This book is here to make learning English easy and fun. We will explore everyday phrases that people use a lot, so you can speak and understand English with confidence. In each chapter, we will look into different topics like friendships, celebrations, work, and more. You will discover how to use these phrases naturally, just like native speakers do. Whether you are a beginner or looking to improve your language skills, this book is your friendly guide to mas

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Phrases and Expressions in Conversation

Books by Avon E-books

This book c"Phrases and Expressions in Conversation" ontains a list of the most common phrases and expressions in English used in daily life with meaning and examples. Improve your English communication skills by understanding and memorizing these common English phrases. It takes practice, but you will be able to learn all of these phrases and expressions naturally in no time.

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Idioms in Real Life

Books by Avon E-books

Idioms are used so much in everyday English. It is commonly used by native speakers of English to make the language more fluid. To understand English as it is spoken in real life, you have to be familiar with Idioms. If you want to become proficient in English, you’ll have to make a special effort and start learning Idioms.

Having a strong command of idioms is essential for native-level English proficiency. Being able to understand and use idioms

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How to ask for...and Respond

Books by Avon E-books

One of the most important tasks in speaking any language is asking questions. This e-book will help you learn how to ask and answer questions so you can begin having conversation in English.

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Dialogues In Daily Life

Books by Avon E-books

Conversation practice is key to learning a language. This is a collection of short situational dialogues that focus on a wide variety of conversational situations we are likely to encounter in our daily lives. This e-Book aims to teach you English conversations that you can use in many different situations. Mastering the art of conversation is a skill, wishing you a very bright future.

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Books by Avon E-books

Social conversations are an essential part of everyday life. Conversations are vital to language development. Learning dialogues helps you to develop your communication skills and enable you to speak English easily,
quickly, and confidently.
The great thing about conversation is that when you practice them, you learn the culture of a people through their language. Once you have become confident in using a dialogue, you can go on to the related conversa

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