Dr. Nitin Kharche

Spiritual Consultant
Spiritual Consultant

Dr. Nitin Kharche, MBA, Ph.D in Business Management. He is working as Spiritual consultant. Founder of Personal life consultation- DAKM Model, and Business consultation- Shantakaram System. He has more than 17 years of experience in spirituality. He has vast knowledge of Indian ancient divine sciences, such as, Jyotish, Yogashastra, Ayurveda, Mantrashastra, Vastushastra and Tantrashastra. Social media link: www.drknitin.com Youtube / Facebook: Dr. Nitin Kharche, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB8Yuxc4ruScb0ETIDNJoSA ; https://www.facebook.com/nitin.kharche Instagram: https://www.instagram.coRead More...


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Books by Dr. Nitin Kharche

A person spends his whole life in search of wealth, name and fame without knowing the true purpose of his existence. This search leads to nowhere but to the loneliness and sorrow. Simultaneously, every person sooner or later searches the peace of mind and happiness in the ashes of life. It all happens because of the Maya; the delusion forms our mind. 
This book is shaped from the experiences of Dr. Nitin Kharche, who holds the right path to reach at u

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