Avisha Rasminda


I’m Avisha Rasminda twenty-two years old from Sri Lanka, Introduce myself as a Poet and writer and I was born on December 20th, 2000 Colombo, Sri Lanka. My first written and completed book is I’m In a circle and it's a Poetry and a nonfiction book.   I would like to write most is about life and nonfiction things attached to it somostly go into poetry and nonfiction stories.  The reason I got into writing is my parents, Hope y'll enjoy.Read More...


I'm In a Circle

Books by Avisha Rasminda Dissanayaka

What do you think about the life we live in every day and racing like cars and sometimes more than rockets of ourselves going on and around to make some pennies out of our life?

Did you ever I mean ever stop and think about why the hell on earth we keep digging into what we at or why we keep remaining ourselves to trouble? 

This is about the whole new direction of your life and my life describing the conflict and hate, love with each other

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