
author and editor
author and editor

A like-minded person who has something good to offer to his author community who has compiled 5 books so far as well as releasing a single book along with releasing two other author's books.Milaan is also the founder of Milaan community and to live that life, it is necessary to have a better attitude.Read More...


Constellation Of Scars - LIFE

Books by Supriya

This book includes all my writeup which I wrote about different life incidents, experiences, emotions, thoughts, and many more. It’s contents is mostly about life, society perspective I faced alot, life challenges, expectations of fondness from others, self realisation, self love, etc. No matter how hard time is just don’t lose yourself just fight with it and God will create a path for you.

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Books by S.milaan

Serendipity will be like a thrill for those who love reading poetry books. in which the poet has presented a very poignant depiction of life, travelling ,love philosophy etc. In this collection ,the poet has focused more on reality than speculations, due to which there is alot of interest in reciting poetry. 

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