Reetik Kumar


PPDT & TAT Stories

Books by Reetik Kumar Rajput

PPDT (Picture Perception and Discussion Test) and TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) are two important psychological tests conducted during the selection process of the Services Selection Board (SSB) in India. These tests assess the candidate's psychological attributes, such as reasoning ability, perception, judgment, and communication skills. They play a significant role in evaluating a candidate's potential as an officer in the armed forces.


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Original 179 OIR Questions SSB

Books by Reetik Kumar

The Original 49 OIR (Officer's Intelligence Rating) Questions are a set of questions used by the US military during World War II to assess the intellectual abilities of officers. The questions were designed to evaluate a wide range of cognitive skills, including verbal comprehension, spatial reasoning, mathematical ability, and general knowledge. 

The questions were developed by a team of psychologists and intelligence experts, led by psychologist

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