Anand Wilson


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तोराह - उत्पत्ति

Books by डेबोरा ह्युस्टिस -रिचर्ड विल्सन

उत्पत्ति की पुस्तक का अध्ययन क्यों करें? या, उस मामले के लिए, पुराने नियम का अध्ययन ही क्यों करें यदि हम बाइबिल की नींव (पहली पांच किताबें, जिन्हें "तोराह" कहा जाता है) का अध्ययन नही

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Torah - "Leviticus"

Books by Deborah Huestis

Leviticus is the smallest of the five books of the Torah, and yet the word "holy" is found in it seventy-seven times more than any other book.  The tribe of Levi (the priests of Yahweh) was always the smallest of the twelve tribes.  The nation of Israel is to this day one of the smallest nations in the world.  And yet  every year the priests would sacrifice seventy bulls representing the nations of the world, at Feast of Tabernacles, to ble

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Torah - Genesis

Books by Deborah Huestis

Torah is forever ...

If we don't study the foundation of the Bible (the first five books, called the "Torah"), we will never understand the full story of the redemption of mankind, nor the  kingdom destiny lying ahead of us, and, most importantly, the fullness of His character.  

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Inner Witness of our own Spirit

Books by Anand Wilson

God speaks to us through many mediums but one of the medium which most christians neglect is our conscience. It is the point of contact which God uses to talk to us, we have to understand it in a deeper way!

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Books by Anand Wilson

A new generation of spirit-filled men and women can be educated and trained for a higher purpose in God. Righteousness can prevail over a country that has fallen into decay and decadence. Eternal values can be recaptured. We can still be revived and restored to health-But only by one person. This person is Jesus.

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